Alžbětinský klášter - Rokelská 234

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Contact Alžbětinský klášter

Address :

Rokelská 234, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Postal code : 432
Categories :
City : Kadaň

Rokelská 234, 432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
Miroslav Maca on Google

Markéta Krásová on Google

Byla jsem uvnitř jednou jako dítě na modlidbě s babičkou.... Je škoda že to církev nechává chátrat
I was inside once as a child in prayer with my grandmother ... It's a shame that the church leaves it dying
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Alžbětinský klášter byl vystavěn v barokním slohu mezi lety 1748 – 1755 za podpory hraběnky Karolíny ze Schönkirchenu. Slavnostní položení základního kamene se uskutečnilo 14. července 1748. Jako klášter a sociální ústav sloužil až do roku 1950, poté se změnil v internační ústav pro řeholnice. Po roce byl 1990 obnoven a opraven spolu s kostelem. The Elizabethan Monastery was built in the Baroque style between 1748 - 1755 with the support of the Countess of Caroline of Schönkirchen. The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place on 14 July 1748. It served as a monastery and social institution until 1950, after which it was transformed into an internment institution for nuns. After 1990 it was restored and repaired together with the church.
The Elizabethan Monastery was built in the Baroque style between 1748 - 1755 with the support of the Countess of Caroline of Schönkirchen. The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place on 14 July 1748. It served as a monastery and social institution until 1950, after which it was transformed into an internment institution for religious women. After 1990 it was restored and repaired together with the church. The Elizabethan Monastery was built in the Baroque style between 1748 - 1755 with the support of the Countess of Caroline of Schönkirchen. The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone took place on 14 July 1748. It served as a monastery and social institution until 1950, after which it was transformed into an internment institution for nuns. After 1990 it was restored and repaired together with the church.

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