Cafe & Bar VeMi

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cafe & Bar VeMi

Address :

Na Nám. 176, 793 99 Osoblaha, Czechia

Opening hours :
Sunday 12–9PM
Monday 12–9PM
Tuesday 12–9PM
Wednesday 12–9PM
Thursday 12–9PM
Friday 12–9PM
Saturday 12–9PM
Categories :
City : Osoblaha

Na Nám. 176, 793 99 Osoblaha, Czechia
Kropka on Google

Świetna obsługa i bardzo dobre piwo, ale jakie pyszne dania! Polecam zabrać do takiej restauracji właścicieli polskich restauracji wraz z kelnerami, może czegoś się nauczą o braci Czechów.
Great service and very good beer, but what delicious dishes! I recommend taking the owners of Polish restaurants with waiters to such a restaurant, maybe they will learn something about the Czech brothers.
Milan Bláha on Google

Byli jsme na týdenní dovolené v kempu Bohušov, kde nebylo možné se stravovat, proto jsme zajeli do cca 5 km vzdálené Odoblahy a zde jsme našli náhodou Cafe Bar VeMi a dali si zde oběd. Velmi příjemně překvapeni kvalitou jídla, hezkým interiérem a kvalitní obsluhou (jak jsme zjistili později, tak samotnou majitelkou) jsme zde šli i následující den a poté celý týden. Nabídka nevelká, ale kuchyň opravdu vynikající, výběr nealko i alko nápojů, výborné zákusky, venkovní terasa, nenašel jsem jedinou chybu, kterou bych mohl vytknout. Vřele všem doporučuji, samozřejmě další lze zjistit na FB...
We were on a week-long holiday in the Bohušov camp, where it was not possible to eat, so we drove to Odoblahy, about 5 km away, and here we happened to find Cafe Bar VeMi and had lunch here. Very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food, the nice interior and the quality service (as we found out later, as well as the owner herself) we went here the next day and then the whole week. The offer is small, but the cuisine is really excellent, a selection of soft and alcoholic drinks, excellent desserts, outdoor terrace, I did not find a single mistake I could point out. I highly recommend it to everyone, of course more can be found on FB ...
Jaroslav Matoušek on Google

Byli jsme tam sice jen na kávičce, ale byla moc dobrá a obsluha byla na úrovni. Návštěvu doporučujeme.
We were only there for coffee, but it was very good and the service was up to standard. We recommend a visit.
Marcin Gorzelnik on Google

KATASTROFA !!!!! Na temat jedzenia nie wypowiem się ale dziś pierwszy raz w moim życiu nie doczekałem się takowego. O godzinie 12:50 zamówiłem smażony ser i zupę koperkową. Już samo przyjęcie zamówienia trwało 15 minut (!!!!) zanim je przyjęto... Pomyślałem że 40 minut spokojnie wystarczy cóż... obsługa rusza się jak mucha w smole i zapewne tak samo działa kuchnia. Musiałem wyjść o 1330 żeby zdążyć na pociąg. O 1320 dostałem zupę i informacje że już będzie smażony ser. Dwa razy mówiłem że spieszę się na pociąg. Potem jeszcze że mógłbym danie wziąć na wynos. Nie już będzie. O godzinie 1330 po 40 minutach (!!!!) od złożenia zamówienia musiałem wyjść niestety wcześniej za zamówienie płacąc. 130 koron wyrzucone w błoto. Ile TRWA zrobienie smażonego sera??? 5 minut. Do WSZYSTKICH odwiedzających to Osoblahe. Jeżeli przyjdziecie pociągiem lub Wam się spieszy knajpkę omijać z daleka !!!! Co więcej obsługa oszukuje ponieważ do siedzącego obok mnie konduktora powiedzieli że jedzenie będzie za chwilę bo jest już przygotowane. Za chwilę oznaczało za pół godziny. KEEP AWAY FROM THIS PLACE Service is very bad and extremely slow. How long can You wait for fried cheese with fries? 40 minutes is NOT enough there. I had spend there one hour wchich included 15 minutes waiting for taking an order plus 40 minutes waiting for the food. I paid for fried cheese wchich was supposed to right now for the last 10 minutes. And had to leave to catch the train without eating my order. So of You have a lot of time and even more patience and can pay for food without eating it You can go there. Otherwise KEEP AWAY FROM THIS PLACE a
A DISASTER !!!!! I won't say anything about food, but today, for the first time in my life, I haven't had one. At 12:50 I ordered fried cheese and dill soup. The very acceptance of the order took 15 minutes (!!!!) before it was accepted ... I thought that 40 minutes would be enough, well ... the staff moves like a fly in the tar and probably the kitchen works the same. I had to leave at 1330 to catch the train. At 1320 I got soup and information that there would be fried cheese. I said twice that I was in a hurry for the train. Then I could also take the dish to go. It won't be anymore. At 1330, 40 minutes (!!!!) from placing the order, unfortunately I had to leave the order earlier by paying. 130 crowns thrown down the drain. How long does it take to make fried cheese ??? 5 minutes. To ALL visitors it is Osoblahe. If you come by train or you are in a hurry to avoid the pub !!!! What's more, the staff cheats because the conductor sitting next to me said that the food will be in a moment because it is already prepared. In a moment it meant in half an hour. KEEP AWAY FROM THIS PLACE Service is very bad and extremely slow. How long can You wait for fried cheese with fries? 40 minutes is NOT enough there. I had spend there one hour wchich included 15 minutes waiting for taking an order plus 40 minutes waiting for the food. I paid for fried cheese wchich was supposed to right now for the last 10 minutes. And had to leave to catch the train without eating my order. So of You have a lot of time and even more patience and can pay for food without eating it You can go there. Otherwise KEEP AWAY FROM THIS PLACE a
Jan Svěrák on Google

Rychlá a milá obsluha. Dobré jídlo a pivo. V okolí asi podle mě nejlepší restaurace.
Fast and friendly service. Good food and beer. In my opinion, probably the best restaurant in the area.
iGi Ignac on Google

Docela slušně se dá posedět a obsluha příjemná..
You can sit quite decently and the service is pleasant ..
Jiří Peterka on Google

Skvělá a usměvavá obsluha. Výborné pivo i vinné akce. Vždy se sem rád vracím. Nejlepší restaurace v okolí.
Great and smiling staff. Excellent beer and wine events. I always like to come back here. The best restaurants nearby.
Tomáš Olšovský on Google

Maximální spokojenost, velmi příjemný personál i majitelé, útulné prostředí, jidlo chutné, děkujeme ?
Maximum satisfaction, very friendly staff and owners, cozy atmosphere, delicious food, thank you ?

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