Chalupa Ambra

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chalupa Ambra

Address :

Libínské Sedlo, 383 01 Prachatice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
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Categories :
City : Prachatice

Libínské Sedlo, 383 01 Prachatice, Czechia
Andrea Šťastná on Google

Je to tu prostě nádherné. Chata uprostřed přírody, obklopena lesem, loukami a jezerem. Spoustu míst, kam se podívat. Moc cením barevné rozdělení pokojů, dělá mi to hroznou radost.
It's just beautiful here. Cottage surrounded by nature, surrounded by forest, meadows and lake. Lots of places to look. I really appreciate the color distribution of the rooms, it makes me very happy.
Vráťa B. on Google

Luxusní penzion s možností točit si sám Plzýnku :) To mluví za vše!
Luxurious guest house with the possibility to shoot Pilsen yourself :) That speaks for itself!
Jan Nevrkla on Google

Super ubytovani v prirode. Vrele doporuciji.
Super ubytovani in nature. Hot recommendations.
Martin Křišťan on Google

Davám pět hvězd, tak snad tu bude v příštích zimách ještě místo. Byli jsme zde s dětmi několik zpřátelených rodin. Každá rodina svůj apartmán, večery u krbu ve velké společenské místnosti (kde je i bar a pípa), přes den pak na nedaleké (200m) sjezdovce. Lyžování hlavně pro děti. Ubytování opravdu na pohodu...
I will give five stars, so hopefully there will be space in the coming winters. We were here with the children of several friendly families. Each family has their own apartment, evenings by the fireplace in a large common room (where there is also a bar and tap), during the day on a nearby (200m) ski slope. Skiing mainly for children. Accommodation really okay ...
Radek Podgrabinski on Google

čisto, nádherný interiér, moc příjemní majitelé. Doporučuji!
clean, beautiful interior, very friendly owners. I recommend!
Werunka F on Google

Byli jsme spokojeni, prostředí nádherné, příroda nezdevastovaná, majitelé moc příjemní, za nás naprostá spokojenost!
We were satisfied, the environment was beautiful, the nature was not devastated, the owners were very pleasant, we were completely satisfied!
Pavlína .P on Google

Nádherný pobyt, příjemné prostředí, kvalitní lůžkoviny, malá kuchyňka na pokoji, uvnitř teploučko, společenská místnost s krbem. Krásná příroda kolem, majitelé velmi milí. Doporučuji ?
Wonderful stay, pleasant environment, quality bedding, small kitchen in the room, warm inside, lounge with fireplace. Beautiful nature around, the owners very nice. I recommend ?
Tiffany on Google

Positive: The layout and the picturesque view.. Negative: Cooking was a little difficult. Only stayed one night, but if it was longer I think we would have eaten out..

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