Církev Českobratrská evangelická Dobříš

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Contact Církev Českobratrská evangelická Dobříš

Address :

Husova 1556, 263 01 Dobříš, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://dobris.evangnet.cz/
Categories :
City : Dobříš

Husova 1556, 263 01 Dobříš, Czechia
František Vrba on Google

František Zimmermann on Google

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Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stálá modlitebna neboli kostelíček Českobratrské církve evangelické se původně nacházel v blízké vesnici Rybníky. Dnes je objekt v soukromém vlastnictví a pro duchovní účely neslouží už více než třicet let. Evangelický kostel na Dobříši byl postaven v roce 1937 a po dlouhé roky byl bez svého zvonu, který byl za války roztaven. Ten byl do zvonice vrácen až v 90. letech 20. století. V letech 1942-1943 vyzdobil chrám akademický malíř Oldřich Vlach. Během 50. let se tu i přes politické potíže konaly bohoslužby. V roce 1983 došlo k první opravě kostela. O deset let později byla vystavěna v sousedství i nová fara. Na kostel je napojeno klasické kryté kolumbarium s urnovým hájem. Poslední rozsáhlá přestavba interiéru proběhla v roce 2007. The permanent prayer house or church of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church was originally located in the nearby village of Rybníky. Today, this object is privately owned and has not been used for spiritual purposes for more than thirty years. The Evangelical Church in Dobříš was built in 1937 and for many years was without its bell, which was melted down during the war. It was not returned to the bell tower until the 1990s. In the years 1942-1943, the church was decorated by the academic painter Oldřich Vlach. During the 1950s, services were held here despite political difficulties. In 1983, the church was first repaired. Ten years later, a new rectory was built in the neighborhood. A classic covered columbarium with an urn grove is now connected to the church. The last extensive interior reconstruction took place in 2007.
The permanent prayer house or church of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church was originally located in the nearby village of Rybníky. Today, the building is privately owned and has not been used for spiritual purposes for more than thirty years. The Evangelical Church in Dobříš was built in 1937 and for many years it was without its bell, which was melted down during the war. It was not returned to the bell tower until the 1990s. In the years 1942-1943, the church was decorated by the academic painter Oldřich Vlach. During the 1950s, services were held here despite political difficulties. In 1983, the first repair of the church took place. Ten years later, a new rectory was built in the neighborhood. A classic covered columbarium with an urn grove is connected to the church. The last extensive interior reconstruction took place in 2007. The permanent prayer house or church of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church was originally located in the nearby village of Rybníky. Today, this object is privately owned and has not been used for spiritual purposes for more than thirty years. The Evangelical Church in Dobříš was built in 1937 and for many years was without its bell, which was melted down during the war. It was not returned to the bell tower until the 1990s. In the years 1942-1943, the church was decorated by the academic painter Oldřich Vlach. During the 1950s, services were held here despite political difficulties. In 1983, the church was first repaired. Ten years later, a new rectory was built in the neighborhood. A classic covered columbarium with an urn grove is now connected to the church. The last extensive interior reconstruction took place in 2007.

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