Kostel Českobratrské církve evangelické

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Contact Kostel Českobratrské církve evangelické

Address :

Libušina, 252 66 Libčice nad Vltavou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Libčice nad Vltavou

Libušina, 252 66 Libčice nad Vltavou, Czechia
Vojtech Miller on Google

Ivana Kastnerová Beranová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Počátky libčického sboru jsou v reformovaném tolerančním sboru v Ledčicích pod Řípem. Jeho členy byli brzy po Tolerančním patentu i evangelíci z Libčic a okolí. Chodili 4 hodiny k bohoslužbám v Ledčicích, příležitostně se konaly bohoslužby také v Libčicích, ve statku Josefa Smolíka. Od roku 1850 inicioval ledčický farář Jan Kašpar na přání libčických evangelíků stavbu vlastního kostela v Libčicích. Stavba se uskutečnila v letech 1863-67 i díky podpoře ze zahraničí. Kostel je postaven v pseudorománském stylu. Jedná se o obdélníkovou stavbu zakončenou polokruhovým presbytářem a věží v průčelí, na němž je umístěna deska s reliéfem Mistra Jana Husa. The beginnings of the Libčice parish are in the Reformed Tolerance Corps in Ledčice pod Řípem. Its members were soon after the Toleration Patent also evangelicals from Libčice and its surroundings. They attended religious services in Ledčice and had to walk for 4 hours, occasionally religious services were also held in Libčice, in Josef Smolík's estate. Since 1850 the parish priest Jan Kašpar initiated the construction of their own church in Libčice. The construction was carried out in 1863-67 also thanks to financial support from abroad. The church is built in pseudo-Romanesque style. It is a rectangular building topped by a semicircular presbytery and a tower in the facade, on which a plaque with relief of Master Jan Hus is placed.
The beginnings of the Libčice church are in the reformed tolerance church in Ledčice pod Řípem. Its members were soon after the Toleration Patent also evangelicals from Libčice and its surroundings. They attended services for 4 hours in Ledčice, occasionally services were also held in Libčice, in Josef Smolík's farm. From 1850, the parish priest of Lednice, Jan Kašpar, initiated the construction of his own church in Libčice at the request of the Evangelical Evangelicals of Libčice. The construction took place in the years 1863-67 also thanks to support from abroad. The church is built in the pseudo-Romanesque style. It is a rectangular building topped by a semicircular presbytery and a tower in the facade, on which is placed a plaque with a relief of Master Jan Hus. The beginnings of the Libčice parish are in the Reformed Tolerance Corps in Ledčice pod Řípem. Its members were soon after the Toleration Patent also evangelicals from Libčice and its surroundings. They attended religious services in Ledčice and had to walk for 4 hours, occasionally religious services were also held in Libčice, in Josef Smolík's estate. Since 1850 the parish priest Jan Kašpar initiated the construction of their own church in Libčice. The construction was carried out in 1863-67 also thanks to financial support from abroad. The church is built in pseudo-Romanesque style. It is a rectangular building topped by a semicircular presbytery and a tower in the facade, on which a plaque with relief of Master Jan Hus is placed.
Eva Jordan on Google

Pseudorománský evangelický kostel byl postavený v letech 1863-1867 a je krásnou stavbou svítící do dáli svojí bílou barvou a čistými liniemi. Slouží nejen jako modlitebna, ale i jako centrum setkávání, pro výstavy, koncerty atd. Na průčelí je reliéf Mistra Jana Husa.
The Pseudo-Romanesque Evangelical Church was built between 1863-1867 and is a beautiful building shining in the distance with its white color and clean lines. It serves not only as a house of prayer, but also as a meeting center, for exhibitions, concerts, etc. On the facade there is a relief of Master Jan Hus.

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