Městský ostrov

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Městský ostrov

Address :

290 01 Poděbrady, Czechia

Categories :
City : Poděbrady

290 01 Poděbrady, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

The island, built artificially between the lock and the hydroelectric power station, has been inaccessible to the public for many years, but since 2011 it has become a sought-after oasis of greenery near the city center with a beautiful view of Poděbrady Castle. Ostrov uměle zbudovaný mezi plavební komorou a hydroelektrárnou byl dlouhá léta veřejnosti nepřístupný, ale od roku 2011 se stal vyhledávanou oázou zeleně nedaleko centra města s krásným výhledem na poděbradský zámek.
The island, built artificially between the lock and the hydroelectric power station, has been inaccessible to the public for many years, but since 2011 it has become a sought-after oasis of greenery near the city center with a beautiful view of Poděbrady Castle. The island, artificially built between the lock chamber and the hydroelectric power plant, has been inaccessible to the public for many years, but since 2011 it has become a sought-after oasis of greenery near the city center with a beautiful view of Poděbrady Castle.
Lucie Šulcová on Google

Pohodové místo na to se chvilku posadit a kochat se přírodou. Jsou zde umístěné lavičky, na které je možné si sednout. Vstup na ostrov je malou kovovou brankou, která se na noc zamyká.
A relaxing place to sit for a while and enjoy nature. There are benches where you can sit. The entrance to the island is a small metal gate that locks at night.
Luci Cibulka on Google

Doporučujeme všem, krásná procházka.
We recommend to all, a beautiful walk.
Surovec MH on Google

Dobrá myšlenka na relax v okolí Labe. Malý, ale klidný koutek přírody. Procházka, možnost cvičení na strojích.
A good idea to relax around the Elbe. A small but quiet corner of nature. Walk, the possibility of exercising on machines.
Michaela Chaloupková-Čadová on Google

Pěkný nápad ve městě. Příjemné místo s vyblbnutím pro děti, v dosahu "všeho". Místo využívané i na akce jako dětský den. Příjemná procházka sem i jakýmkoliv směrem z tohoto místa ?
Nice idea in town. A pleasant place with a slump for children, within reach of "everything". A place also used for events such as a children's day. A pleasant walk here and in any direction from this place ?
Martin Rafaj on Google

Bernadette Lewis on Google

Lovely walk on a sunny day
Gregory Hage on Google

A great place to view the river and relax.

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