Pension Restaurant Marislav - Pištín 15

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pension Restaurant Marislav

Address :

Pištín 15, 373 41 Pištín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9978
Postal code : 373
Website :
Categories :
City : Pištín

Pištín 15, 373 41 Pištín, Czechia
Alexandr Stm on Google

Очень понравилось. Чистые, удобные и уютные номера!
I liked it very much. Clean, comfortable and cozy rooms!
Таня Леонова on Google

Отличные условия, чистота, уютные номера, замечательный семейный отдых. Созданы все условия для детей и взрослых.Большое спасибо коллективу !!!
Excellent conditions, cleanliness, comfortable rooms, wonderful family vacation. All conditions for children and adults have been created. Many thanks to the team !!!
Ольга Владимировна Андрущенко on Google

Дякую за дуже добре ставлення персоналу. Відчувала себе як вдома. Обов'язково буду рекомендувати всім своїм друзям та знайомим.
Thank you for the very good attitude of the staff. I felt at home. I will definitely recommend it to all my friends and acquaintances.
Полина Санина on Google

Отдыхали с ребёнком в мае. Номера очень уютные! Мини бар пополняют каждый день! На территории детская площадка и песочница. Очень понравились завтраки! Вкусно, сытно и не дорого! Мы в восторге! Для Чехии такие гостиницы редкость! Очень советую!
Rested with a child in May. The rooms are very cozy! Mini bar replenished every day! On the territory there is a playground and a sandbox. Loved the breakfasts! Delicious, satisfying and not expensive! We are delighted! For the Czech Republic, such hotels are rare! I highly recommend!
Ottantotto 88 on Google

Очень уютные номера! На территории детская площадка, песочница, качели! Работает пиццерия с вкуснейшей пиццей! Номера уютные и красивые! Белок постельное белье - это любовь! Мини бар с доступными ценами. Завтраки в отеле очень вкусные и сытные! Мы провели прекрасные выходные! Спасибо за гостеприимство ❤️
Very cozy rooms! On the territory of the playground, sandbox, swings! A pizzeria with delicious pizza is open! The rooms are cozy and beautiful! Protein bedding is love! Mini bar with affordable prices. The breakfasts at the hotel are delicious and plentiful! We spent a great weekend! Thank you for your hospitality ❤️
Jana Breckova on Google

Od letošního roku noví majitelé, nově vybavené a vymalované pokoje. Nově je zde otevřená pizzerie. K výběru sice "jen" 5 pizz, my ochutnali tři (využili jsme akci 2+1 zdarma) a všechny vynikající s bohatě obloženými surovinami. Z těsta koukal pouze okraj, jinak byla celá pokrytá. Perfektní místo pro rodiny s dětmi. Pokoj čistý, uklizený, voňavý s WiFi, recepcí 24/7 a parkováním v areálu zdarma. Pro pobyt jsme měli vybraný rodinný pokoj pro 4 osoby. Pokoj byl přístupný z balkónu, po schodech. Po otevření vstupních dveří byla malá chodbička, z ní vedly dveře do předsíně, kde byla police na boty, háčky na kabáty a skříň na ramínka. Dveřmi vpravo se vešlo do velkého pokoje, kde byla manželská postel, dvě oddělené postele a ještě zbyl velký prostor pro hraní dětí eventuálně dětskou postýlku. Dále byl v pokoji stůl, na něm televize a pod ním malá hotelová lednička. Byl k dispozici minibar (pivo, energetický drink, džus, voda, sušenky, brambůrky). Koupelna byla také velká - obdélníkový sprchový kout se sprchovým gelem, WC s mýdlem, umyvadlo a fén. Každá osoba měla k dispozici osušku a ručník. Venku pod balkonem bylo dětské hřiště - skluzavka, žebřík, houpačky a pískoviště. Provozovatelé jsou milí, příjemní a dokonce nám nabídli k zapůjčení, bez poplatku, varnou konvici ? Závěrem, určitě se sem ještě vrátíme a můžeme vřele doporučit ?
From this year new owners, newly equipped and painted rooms. There is a newly opened pizzeria. Although there are "only" 5 pizzas to choose from, we tasted three (we used the 2 + 1 event for free) and all excellent with richly coated ingredients. Only the edge looked out of the dough, otherwise it was covered. Perfect place for families with children. Room clean, tidy, fragrant with WiFi, 24/7 reception and free parking on site. For the stay we had a selected family room for 4 people. The room was accessible from the balcony, by stairs. After opening the front door, there was a small corridor, from which the door led to the hall, where there were shelves for shoes, coat hooks and a closet for hangers. The door on the right led into a large room with a double bed, twin beds, and there was still plenty of room for children to play and possibly a cot. There was also a table in the room, a TV on it and a small hotel fridge below. There was a minibar (beer, energy drink, juice, water, biscuits, potato chips). The bathroom was also large - a rectangular shower with shower gel, toilet with soap, sink and hair dryer. Each person had a bath towel and a towel. Outside under the balcony was a playground - slide, ladder, swings and sandpit. The operators are nice, pleasant and even offered us to rent, free of charge, a kettle ? In conclusion, we will definitely come back here and we can highly recommend ?
Petr Mach on Google

That is nice place to stay due to frindly stuff. They take you almost as family ... pizza from their small kitchen was very nice and tasty and the breakfast was huge and ecxelent cooked from our choice. ?
Ксенія Дронга on Google

It’s was amazing time. My son was happy to spend time here. The lake was not far, we are walking through the field and can see rabbits and small deer. Personal was very helpful, room clean, breakfast tasty ☺️ Thank you for all ?

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