Prague Women's Health Center

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Prague Women's Health Center

Address :

Areál EUC kliniky, Kartouzská, Smíchov 204/6, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Areál EUC kliniky, Kartouzská, Smíchov 204/6, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Lucia Vokálová on Google

Skvelá skúsenosť - od pani , sestry, s ktorou som cez telefon riešila termin, jej ochotný a milý prístup zotrvával i osobne priamo na klinike, až po pani doktorku Zhannu Kapenovú. Úžasná pani doktorka s profesionálnym a zároveň veľmi ľudským prístupom, žiaden stres aký človek zvykne mať u doktorov.
Great experience - from the lady, the nurse with whom I dealt with the term over the phone, her willing and kind approach remained in person at the clinic, to Dr. Zhanna Kapenová. An amazing doctor with a professional and at the same time very human approach, no stress that a person is used to having with doctors.
Ann P on Google

The best doctor I have , she is good person and always when I need help she is here for me.
Madina Nielsen on Google

So thankfull to staf and doctors ❤
Lara Cameron on Google

Very friendly, welcoming atmosphere, and I very much appreciated the approach of the doctor I saw.
melis yıldız on Google

Do not waste your time with this clinic: PWHC, Prague Women Health Center. They are not accepting new patient. I went to the clinic personally to take an appointment and I found 2 rude receptionists who are telling me "we are full, go to hospital", really?! Sorry... But I recognised that this clinic was exaggerated on the internet comments...
Kira Verhovyh on Google

PWHC - "Prague Women's Health Center" is an overstatement of their capabilities. If you need an obstetrician or your regular pap smear, this might be a nice cozy place, but they are not qualified to resolve more serious health problems. On the site they claim to speak multiple languages, but a doctor I saw there refused to talk English to me because "you talked Czech to a nurse". Well, there is a difference between saying "dobry den" to a nurse and discussing my health concerns with you. I followed up with an email with additional questions on the day of my visit, has never received a response.
Zoe on Google

An annual fee,1800kc ,will be charged on the first visit. Jana is friendly and the experience of the checking procedure was good by all means. However, when I was on my second appointment for regular test/check after almost 11 months, she informed me it's not necessary until another 2 months waiting as I was healthy last time and it's not one year yet. Hence, I would need to pay for another annual fee. I was really planning to renew the clinic fee until that moment. But after that, I just felt tricked and confused why I cannot get the test prior to my schedule and preference. Last not least, the receptionists were extremely unprofessional, rbf. No reply for email appointments at all and very unfriendly at the site, poor English. Overall, I wouldn't recommend.
Travel Patonza on Google

Dr. Zhanna Kapenová is an excellent doctor. She is very kind and friendly. My wife is very shy and she had had, previously, bad experiences with other gynaecologists in Prague, but finally we found Dr. Kapenová who makes her comfortable during her visits. She speaks English flawless, she doesn't rush during the visit and overall she creates a relaxing environment. Thanks God we found a good doctor like her.

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