Psí Hotel Dášenka

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Psí Hotel Dášenka

Address :

Brtnická 2990/43, 586 01 Jihlava, Czechia

Categories :
City : Jihlava

Brtnická 2990/43, 586 01 Jihlava, Czechia
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Nečekejte luxus. Ale věřim, že o psa bylo dobře postaráno. Nikdy ve psim hotelu nebyl, bylo to poprvé, ale zvládl to. Byli jsme spokojeni, navíc za dobrou cenu. Pani majitelka velmi sympatická. Má zkušenosti. Psa bychom tam dali znovu, když by byla nutnost.
Don't expect luxury. But I believe that the dog was well taken care of. He's never been to a dog hotel, it was the first time, but he did it. We were satisfied, moreover for a good price. Mrs. owner very nice. He has experience. We would put the dog there again if necessary.

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