Restaurace Kratochvíl

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurace Kratochvíl

Address :

Slavíkova 159/159, 262 23 Jince, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779
Categories :
City : Jince

Slavíkova 159/159, 262 23 Jince, Czechia
Jan Böhm on Google

Pivo dobrý , personál ochotný , co víc si přát.
Beer good, staff helpful, what more could you want.
Jan Schneeweis on Google

Čisto, výborná kuchyně, příjemný Jirka jako obsluha a ceny z devadesátých let.
Pure, excellent cuisine, pleasant Jirka as a service and prices from the nineties.
Jiři Pěčonka on Google

Výborná obsluha a pivo jako říz
Excellent service and beer as a bite
Patrik Chrz on Google

Běžná nádražka. Vrchní jak z reklamy na Kozla, kterého zde čepují - "takovej divnej" . Nic moc ochota, necítili jsme se moc vítáni. Jedna ze skupiny si dala čaj - citron asi tak odvčera, pytlík nezabalený, horké vody sotva dvě deci. Ale zase pivo za 22.
Normal train station. The top one is from an advertisement for Kozla, who is being tapped here - "such a strange one". Not much willingness, we didn't feel very welcome. One of the group had tea - a lemon about yesterday, a bag unwrapped, barely two children hot water. But again beer for 22.
Hedvika Görglová on Google

Návrat do retro časů ? Fajn tam zkrátíte chvíli při čekání na vlak, třeba na výletě. Btw. jediná otevřená hospoda široko daleko.
Return to retro times ajn Fine shorten there while waiting for the train, perhaps on a trip. Btw. the only open pub far and wide.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Měl jsem smůlu. V restauraci končil turistický pochod, takže bylo celkem plno, zřejmě o dost víc, než běžně bývá. Vlak odjížděl za půl hodiny (a další až za dvě poté), takže jsem se rozhodl počkat, ale obsluha se nehnula od baru, jak tam bylo živo. Nakonec jsem šel na dřívější vlak. Alespoň jsem se ohřál, venku bylo nevlídno. I was unlucky. Some tourist march ended in the restaurant, so it was quite crowded, probably a lot more than usual. The train was leaving in half an hour (and another in two afterwards), so I decided to wait, but the attendant did not move away from the bar as it was alive. I finally went to an earlier train. Never mind, at least I warmed up, it was unpleasantly cold outside.
I was unlucky. The restaurant ended with a tourist march, so it was quite crowded, probably a lot more than usual. The train was leaving in half an hour (and another in two afterwards), so I decided to wait, but the staff did not move away from the bar as it was alive. I finally went to an earlier train. At least I was warm, it was unpleasant outside. I was unlucky. Some tourist marched in the restaurant, it was quite crowded, probably a lot more than usual. The train was leaving half an hour (and another in two afterwards), so I decided to wait, but the attendant did not move away from the bar as it was alive. I finally went to an earlier train. Never Mind, At least I Warm Up, It Was Unpleasantly Cold Outside.
Vladislav Klimeš on Google

Super retro restaurace, klasická ctyrka, příjemná obsluha, poměr výkon cena bezkonkurenční. Zadny luxus sice nečekejte ale k uhaseni zizne ci zahnani hladu poslouží excelentne. Vždy denní tisk k přečtení, stamgasti, dobrá atmosféra.....
Super retro restaurant, classic four, friendly service, price-performance ratio unbeatable. Do not expect any luxury, but it will serve to extinguish the wall or starve it perfectly. Always a daily newspaper to read, stamgasti, good atmosphere .....
Andrea Blahovska on Google

Malý výběr jídel, ale knedlíčková polévka i kuřecí plněný řízek neměly chybu?
A small selection of dishes, but dumpling soup and chicken stuffed steak did not make a mistake

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