Římskokatolická farnost Jestřebí - Jestřebí 90

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Contact Římskokatolická farnost Jestřebí

Address :

Jestřebí 90, 471 61 Jestřebí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 471
Categories :
City : Jestřebí

Jestřebí 90, 471 61 Jestřebí, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Římskokatolická farnost Jestřebí organizačně spadá do českolipského vikariátu - jednoho z deseti vikariátů litoměřické diecéze. Farním kostelem je kostel sv. Ondřeje v Jestřebí. Farnost v Jestřebí je poprvé zmíněna v roce 1356 v Rejstříku papežských desátků. Původní farní kostel neznámého patrocinia stál na skalní terase pod hradem Jestřebí, dodnes se z něj zachovala pouze zvonice. Dnešní barokní patrová fara z roku 1730 byla vystavěná v době, kdy obec spravoval rod Kouniců. Stojí naproti kostelu sv. Ondřeje, vystavěném v současné podobě roku 1780. The Roman Catholic parish of Jestřebí is organizationally part of the vicarage of Česká Lípa - one of the ten vicariates of the diocese of Litoměřice. The parish church is the church of St. Andrew in Jestřebí. The parish in Jestřebí was first mentioned in 1356 in the Register of Papal Tithes. The original parish church of the unknown patrocinium (maybe to the Virgin Mary) stood on the rock terrace under the castle of Jestřebí, from which only the bell tower has been preserved to this day. Today's Baroque two-storey rectory from 1730 was built at a time when the village was administered by the Kounic family. It stands opposite the Church of St. Andrew, built in its current form in 1780.
The Roman Catholic parish of Jestřebí organizationally belongs to the Českolipské vicariate - one of the ten vicariates of the Litoměřice diocese. The parish church is the church of St. Ondřej in Jestřebí. The parish in Jestřebí is first mentioned in 1356 in the Register of Papal Tithes. The original parish church of an unknown patronage stood on a rock terrace below the Jestřebí castle, only the bell tower has survived to this day. Today's Baroque two-storey rectory from 1730 was built at a time when the village was administered by the Kounice family. It stands opposite the Church of St. Ondřej, built in its current form in 1780. The Roman Catholic parish of Jestřebí is organizationally part of the vicarage of Česká Lípa - one of the ten vicariates of the diocese of Litoměřice. The parish church is the church of St. Andrew in Jestřebí. The parish in Jestřebí was first mentioned in 1356 in the Register of Papal Tithes. The original parish church of the unknown patrocinium (maybe to the Virgin Mary) stood on the rock terrace under the castle of Jestřebí, from which only the bell tower has been preserved to this day. Today's Baroque two-storey rectory from 1730 was built at a time when the village was administered by the Kounic family. It stands opposite the Church of St. Andrew, built in its current form in 1780.

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