Římskokatolická Farnost Vlašim

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About Římskokatolická Farnost Vlašim

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Contact Římskokatolická Farnost Vlašim

Address :

Husovo nám. 46, 258 01 Vlašim, Czechia

Website : http://www.farnostvlasim.cz/
Categories :
City : Vlašim

Husovo nám. 46, 258 01 Vlašim, Czechia
Václav Revenda on Google

zdenek kracmera on Google

Jakub Matějovský on Google

Mirka Skrojkova on Google

Jana Matejkova on Google

Hezky zrecyklovaný objekt.
Nicely recycled object.
Zdeněk Otradovec on Google

Krásný objekt ve Vlašimi
Beautiful building in Vlašim
Daniela Laloučková on Google

Skvělí lidé
Great people
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První zmínka o Vlašimi pochází z roku 1239 z archivní listiny podepsané místní farou. Vlašimský kostel je poprvé zmíněn roku 1303. Původní kostel byl v románském slohu a byl zasvěcen Panně Marii Vítězné. Vlašim proslula v církevních dějinách jako rodiště dvou pražských arcibiskupů: Jana Očka z Vlašimi a jeho synovce Jana z Jenštejna. The first mention of Vlašim dates from 1239 from an archival document signed by the local parish. The church in Vlašim was first mentioned in 1303. The original church was in Romanesque style and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary Victorious. Vlašim became famous in church history as the birthplace of two Prague archbishops: Jan Očka of Vlašim and his nephew Jan of Jenštejn.
The first mention of Vlašim comes from 1239 from an archival document signed by the local parish. The Vlašim Church is first mentioned in 1303. The original church was in the Romanesque style and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary the Victorious. Vlašim became famous in church history as the birthplace of two Prague archbishops: Jan Oček of Vlašim and his nephew Jan of Jenštejn. The first mention of Vlašim dates from 1239 from an archival document signed by the local parish. The church in Vlašim was first mentioned in 1303. The original church was in Romanesque style and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary Victorious. Vlašim became famous in church history as the birthplace of two Prague archbishops: Jan Očka of Vlašim and his nephew Jan of Jenštejn.

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