Sokolovna Benešov

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sokolovna Benešov

Address :

Tyršova 438, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia

Website :
Categories :
City : Benešov

Tyršova 438, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia
Vojtěch Blažek on Google

Miroslav Krelina on Google

David Haubert on Google

Karel Kolář on Google

Často zde bývá start i cíl turistických pochodů...
Often there is a start and finish of tourist marches ...
Martin Kovarix on Google

Maj tam divný záchody. Můj strejda z nich začal trpět záchodofobií.
Have weird toilets there. My uncle of them began to suffer from toilet phobia.
BaldaP on Google

Sice stará, ale stále účelná tělocvična. Úvodní fotka tady na googlu je ale ze školní jídelny jiráskova, tak to prosím opravte.
Although an old, but still useful gym. The introductory photo here on Google is from the school canteen jiráskova, so please correct it.
Jarmila Brejšková on Google

Rozhodně potřebuje opravit!!!! Zastaralé, hrozně.
Definitely needs fixing !!!! Obsolete, terribly.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Sokolovna byla postavena roku 1903 v novorenesančním stylu podle projektu člena benešovské obce sokolské bratra Jaroslava Škouly, mistra zednického. Rekonstrukce začátkem 90. let 20. století přinesla proti původnímu vzhledu drobné změny na fasádě. The Sokol house was built in 1903 in neo-renaissance style according to the project of a member of the Benešov community of the Sokol brother and a mason master Jaroslav Škoula. The reconstruction at the beginning of the 1990s brought minor changes on the facade compared to the original appearance.
The Sokol house was built in 1903 in the neo-renaissance style according to a project by a member of the Benešov community of the Sokol brother Jaroslav Škoula, a mason master. The reconstruction at the beginning of the 1990s brought minor changes to the facade. The Sokol house was built in 1903 in the neo-Renaissance style according to the project of a member of the Benešov community of the Sokol brother and mason master Jaroslav Škoula. The reconstruction at the beginning of the 1990s brought minor changes to the facade compared to the original appearance.

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