St John the Baptist Church - Bratr. Veverkových

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St John the Baptist Church

Address :

Bratr. Veverkových, 530 02 Pardubice I, Czechia

Postal code : 530
Categories :
City : Pardubice I

Bratr. Veverkových, 530 02 Pardubice I, Czechia
Milos Janecek on Google

Pravidelné vánoční koncerty dětí ze sousední základní školy
Regular Christmas concerts of children from the neighboring elementary school
Vít Baloušek on Google

Malebné místo vhodné pro zastavení a usebrání ve shonu života ve městě...
A picturesque place suitable for stopping and gathering in the hustle and bustle of city life ...
Wojciech Wójtowicz on Google

Byłem tu na Mszy Świętej. Przed kościołem jest figura św. Jana Nepomucena.
I was here for Holy Mass. In front of the church there is a statue of St. John of Nepomuk.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Jeden z několika menších kostelů z Pernštejnskē doby města ( 15./ ) v odpovdajícím slohu pozdní gotiky a renesance.
One of several smaller churches from the Pernštejn period of the city (15th / 16th century) in the corresponding late Gothic and Renaissance style.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherný jednolodní kostel sv. Jana Křtitele, založen pány z Pernštejna roku 1510 (dostaven 1563-1570), stojí na místě bývalého hřbitova, proto si tu můžete prohlédnout pár renesančních náhrobků (16/17. stol.). Zajímavá je rovněž zvonice, stojící na základech bývalé kostnice. The magnificent single-nave church of St. John the Baptist, founded by the lords of Pernštejn in 1510 (completed 1563-1570), stands on the site of the former cemetery, so you can see a few Renaissance tombstones (16/17 century). Also interesting is the belfry, standing on the grounds of the former ossuary.
Wonderful single nave church of st. John the Baptist, founded by the Lords of Pernštejn in 1510 (completed 1563-1570), stands on the site of the former cemetery, so you can see a few Renaissance tombstones (16/17th century). Interesting is also the belfry, which stands on the foundations of the former ossuary. The magnificent single-nave church of st. John the Baptist, founded by the lords of Pernštejn in 1510 (completed 1563-1570), stands on the site of the former cemetery, you can see the few Renaissance tombstones (16/17 century). Also interesting is the belfry, standing on the grounds of the former ossuary.
Ondřej Fajmon on Google

Mají tu WC, ale topení ne. Kostel dříve protestantský nyní katolický je v samém centru města. Interiér je spíše komorní.
They have a toilet, but no heating. The church of the formerly Protestant now Catholic is in the very center of the city. The interior is rather intimate.
Зеник Кавулич on Google

Відвідали костел святого Івана Хрестителя в м.Пардубіце. Дуже гарне духовне місце. Костел заснований в 15 столітті. На сьоголні це діючий костел. Служби відбуваються постійно. Гарне місце сховатися від міської суєти та послухати службу Божу!
We visited the church of St. John the Baptist in Pardubice. Very good spiritual place. The church was founded in the 15th century. Today it is a functioning church. Services are ongoing. A good place to hide from the hustle and bustle of the city and listen to the service of God!
Febin Poruthur on Google

Epic and historical church

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