Zámecká kaple Neposkvrněného početí Panny Marie

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Contact Zámecká kaple Neposkvrněného početí Panny Marie

Address :

U Libeňského zámku 1, 180 00 Praha 8-Libeň, Czechia

Website : https://m.praha8.cz/zamecka-kaple-neposkvrneneho-poceti-panny-marie.html
Categories :
City : Praha 8 Libeň

U Libeňského zámku 1, 180 00 Praha 8-Libeň, Czechia
Jáchym Šlik on Google

Docela bohatě zdobená kaple je dnes využívána především ke svatebním obřadům.
A pretty richly decorated chapel is used mainly for wedding ceremonies today.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kaple byla postavena v průběhu rokokové přestavby Libeňského zámku v roce 1770 podle návrhu stavitele Jana Josefa Prachnera. Byla prvním církevním objektem na území tehdejší Libně, což muselo znamenat velkou úlevu pro všechny zdejší věřící - Libeň totiž do té doby patřila k prosecké diecézi, takže místní obyvatelé museli před každou bohoslužbou šlapat do kopce - což na reliéfu této části Prahy znamená nemalý výkon. Na výstavbu zámku a kaple finančně přispěla nemalou měrou i Marie Terezie. V 50. letech 20. století byla kaple odsvěcena a k opětovnému vysvěcení došlo v roce 1993. V současné době zde probíhají světské svatební obřady, kulturní a jiné akce pořádané Městskou částí Prahy 8. Právě v roce 2020 si Praha 8 připomíná krásné kulaté 250. výročí od vysvěcení kaple. The chapel was built during the rococo reconstruction of the Libeň Chateau in 1770 according to the design of the architect Jan Josef Prachner. It was the first religious building in the territory of Libeň, which had to mean a great relief for all local believers - Libeň was until then a part of the Prosek diocese, so the local residents had to step uphill before every worship - which in relief of this part of Prague means a pretty hard performance... Maria Theresa also contributed to the construction of the chateau and chapel. In the 1950s the chapel was deconsecrated and consecrated again in 1993. Nowadays there are secular wedding ceremonies here as well as cultural and other events organized by the Prague 8 City District. Just in 2020, Prague 8 commemorates the 250th anniversary of the chapel consecration.
The chapel was built during the Rococo reconstruction of Libeň Castle in 1770 according to the design of the builder Jan Josef Prachner. It was the first church building in the territory of Libna at the time, which must have meant great relief for all local believers - Libeň until then belonged to the Prosec diocese, so the locals had to step up the hill before each service - which means considerable performance in the relief of this part of Prague. Maria Theresa also made a significant financial contribution to the construction of the chateau and chapel. The chapel was consecrated in the 1950s and re-consecrated in 1993. At present, secular wedding ceremonies, cultural and other events organized by the City District of Prague 8 take place here. In 2020, Prague 8 commemorates a beautiful 250th round from the consecration of the chapel. The chapel was built during the rococo reconstruction of the Libeň Chateau in 1770 according to the design of the architect Jan Josef Prachner. It was the first religious building in the territory of Libeň, which had to mean a great relief for all local believers - Libeň was until then a part of the Prosek diocese, so the local residents had to step uphill before every worship - which in relief of this part of Prague means a pretty hard performance ... Maria Theresa also contributed to the construction of the chateau and chapel. In the 1950s the chapel was deconsecrated and consecrated again in 1993. Nowadays there are secular wedding ceremonies here as well as cultural and other events organized by the Prague 8 City District. Just in 2020, Prague 8 commemorates the 250th anniversary of the chapel consecration.

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