1992 Joy - music, fashion, gifts

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact 1992 Joy - music, fashion, gifts

Address :

120, Bělehradská 234, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://www.radostshop.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

120, Bělehradská 234, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechia
Kateřina Šůrová on Google

Vstřícná, milá společnost lidí, kteří vědí, co prodávají, vyrobky jsou ekologické, handmade s duší perfektní pokud hledáte kvalitní a originální dárek
Friendly, nice company of people who know what they are selling, the products are organic, handmade with a soul perfect if you are looking for a quality and original gift
Jirka Holas on Google

Knihy, oblečení, CD nosiče, vynilové nosiče, drobné dárkové předměty ... šel jsem kolem a ve bylo za mne zaujala kniha za oknem, která byla za výlohou. Ochotný personál vám vybranou věc zabalí jako dárek a v případě potřeby i pomůže s výběrem.
Books, clothes, CDs, vinyl carriers, small gift items ... I walked around and I was fascinated by the book behind the window, which was behind the shop window. The helpful staff will wrap the selected item as a gift and, if necessary, help with the selection.
Aleš Klíma on Google

10/10 experience, zboží taky v mint stavu, plus příjemný poděkování za nákup na faktuře xd
10/10 experience, the goods are also in mint condition, plus a nice thank you for the purchase on the invoice xd
Breta H. on Google

Awesome staff, cool stuff, great music.
黃泓碩 on Google

A lovely shop with some nice vinyl.
Dan Ligocky | The Element on Google

Radost means joy. The shop itself is a cult gift shop and music store that has been around for more than two decades since the Velvet revolution. Don't miss out your opportunity and step inside to experience friendly vibes and explore all the cool stuff this enviromentaly friendly gift shop has to offer.
Stewart White on Google

Great shop, excellent stock of vinyl and lovely staff ;-) Back again a couple of months on - staff even lovelier and stock of vinyl even better! I even bought a pair of shorts, and I NEVER buy clothes ;-0 Apologies to Simona for chatting to her endlessly....
printul77700 on Google

I bought a pair of shoes, they have only things made from recycled elements, it is nice to know that you were some flip flocks that were a tire of a track, haha.Also people from shop were always very nice and helpful

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