2G geolog s.r.o.

2.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact 2G geolog s.r.o.

Address :

Československé armády 1181, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://2g-geolog.cz/
Categories :
City : Ústí nad Orlicí

Československé armády 1181, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí, Czechia
Dominik Janik on Google

Zdeňka Michalíková on Google

Firmu jsme oslovili v srpnu s poptavkou sluzeb pres Poptavkovy formular na jejich webovych strankach. Jelikoz se nam ani po 3 tydnech od odeslani nedostalo zadne odpovedi, kontaktovala jsem firmu telefonicky. Bylo mi receno, ze poptavka asi nekde zapadla a ze se pristi tyden nekdo ozve s cenovou nabidkou sluzeb. Ani po dalsich dvou tydnech se nikdo neozval, a tak jsem se opet telefonicky pripomenula a zeptala se, jestli je vubec realizace sluzeb z jejich strany realna. Pani, se kterou jsem mluvila byla moc mila a slibila, ze pristi tyden se ozve jeji kolega. Je konec rijna a stale se nikdo neozval... nicmene jsme mezitim stihli oslovit jinou geologickou firmu, ktera zvladla uz i dokoncit veskere objednane prace. Firmu G2 geolog proto doporucit nemuzeme.
We contacted the company in August to demand services via the inquiry form on their website. Since we did not receive any response after 3 weeks of sending, I contacted the company by phone. I was told that the demand probably fell somewhere and that next week someone will respond with a price offer of services. After two weeks, no one answered, so I reminded myself by phone again and asked if the realization of the services on their part was real. The lady I was talking to was very nice and promised her next week to hear her colleague. It is the end of October and still no one has contacted ... but in the meantime we managed to address another geological company that has managed to finish all the ordered work. Therefore, we cannot recommend a G2 geologist.
Marek Teplý on Google

Poptával jsem hydrogeologický průzkum. Po třech týdnech a třech urgencích nemám ani cenovou nabídku. Vždy mi bylo sděleno, že do týdne bude vše připravené, momentálně nezvedají ani telefon. Rozhodně nedoporučuji.
I was looking for a hydrogeological survey. After three weeks and three emergencies, I don't even have a quote. I was always told that everything would be ready within a week, they don't even answer the phone at the moment. Definitely not recommended.

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