A-Z Reklama CZ, s.r.o.

5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact A-Z Reklama CZ, s.r.o.

Address :

Strakonická 130/23 46008, 8 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : https://eshop.az-reklama.cz/
Categories :
City : Liberec

Vaclav Rehak on Google

Děkuji za vstřícnost, ochotu a rychlost, s kterou mi bylo dodáno zboží. Za radu, která mi pomohla při výběru a nakupování. Vše naprosto perfektně provedené jak od majitele, tak jeho syna. Doporučuji.
Thank you for your helpfulness, willingness and speed with which the goods were delivered to me. For advice that helped me choose and shop. Everything perfectly executed from both the owner and his son. I recommend.
Jana Rouček on Google

Vsem vrele doporucuji, skvely vyber, ceny i jednani. ?? Stalo se mi ze mi prisly desky do stojanu skrable (takze zadny velky problem, chtela jsem kompenzaci postovne zdarma na dalsi objednavku), tak jsem jim napsala, nafotila a bez sebemensiho problemu mi sami od sebe poslali nove, zadne dohadovani. To se opravdu uz jen tak nevidi, mile me to prekvapilo. ? Moc vam fandim a brzy neco objednam ??
I highly recommend it, great selection, prices and negotiations. ?? It happened to me that the boards came to me in a scrapy rack (so no big problem, I wanted compensation for free postage for another order), so I wrote to them, took pictures and without me the slightest problem they sent me new, no arguments. It really doesn't look like that anymore, it pleasantly surprised me. F I support you a lot and I will order something soon ??

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