AAA Auto - Místecká 3220

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact AAA Auto

Address :

Místecká 3220, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 702
Website :
Categories :

Místecká 3220, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Czechia
Petr Kühnel on Google

Řešil jsem prodej vozu z pozůstalosti a chtěl jsem vše vyřídit co nejjednodušeji a nejrychleji. Požádal jsem tedy o korektní ocenění vozidla a předal veškerou potřebnou dokumentaci. Technik si vše pozorně prohlédl, vozidlo projel a stanovil cenu vozidla v hodnotě plné nádrže. Tato cena se mi nezdála, ale nechtěl jsem nijak smlouvat, proto jsem odjel. Do pěti minut mi volal regionální manažer s tím, že nabídl obratem 5ti násobek původní výkupní ceny. Nevím kde získalo vozidlo za těch pět minut svou novou hodnotu. Nechtěl jsem se už vracet. Zadal jsem tedy večer inzerát a dnes je vozidlo bez problému prodáno za 15ti násobek původně navrhované výkupní ceny.
I dealt with the sale of the car from the estate and I wanted to handle everything as simply and quickly as possible. So I asked for a correct valuation of the vehicle and handed over all the necessary documentation. The technician inspected everything carefully, drove the vehicle and determined the price of the vehicle at the value of a full tank. I didn't like this price, but I didn't want to bargain in any way, so I left. Within five minutes, the regional manager called me and said that he had immediately offered 5 times the original purchase price. I don't know where the vehicle got its new value in those five minutes. I didn't want to go back. So I placed an ad in the evening and today the vehicle is sold without a problem for 15 times the originally proposed purchase price.
Tomáš Vaněček on Google

V sobotu jsem volal, že bych chtěl zakoupit vůz a svůj prodat. Ale že můžu přijet nejdřív ve středu.Ok přijeďte snad tam ještě bude.V pondělí volám že bych mohl přijet v úterý ,jestli tam vůz ještě je. Ano je ,v kolik přijedete abychom na Vás měli čas.Ja rikam mezi 11 a 12 hodinou.Ok domluveno.Utery ráno volá pán ,ze tam bude vozidlo , až v 15.00.Pomalu zbystřuji,nëco se mi nezdá.V inzerátu psáno předváděcí vůz.Po telefonu , že ještě neco řeší s majitelem.Zase neco divného.Koiknu co maji napsáno na netu,a hle cena o 10 tisíc větší??? Volám a ptám se jaka je cena? A oni , že o těch 10 tisíc větší.Ptam se a co sleva která mi byla řečena po telefonu???Ta už neplatí. Takže razem je cena o 20 tis vic.Divne chování. Raději jsem tam ani nejel, protože už vidím že by my za můj vůz ani nedali co slibovali.Jo a ještě mi řekli, že mají víc zájemců.Auto je tam stále:) Ať si ho strčí někam :)
On Saturday, I called to buy a car and sell mine. But that I can arrive on Wednesday at the earliest. Okay, maybe there will still be there. On Monday, I call that I could come on Tuesday if the car is still there. Yes, what time will you come so that we have time for you. I say between 11 am and 12 noon. Okay. .After the phone, he still solves something with the owner. Again, something strange. I call and ask what is the price? And they think about the 10,000 bigger ones. So the price is about 20 thousand more. Strange behavior. I'd rather not even go there, because I can see that we wouldn't even give what they promised for my car. Yeah, and they told me that they have more people interested. The car is still there :) Let them shove it somewhere :)
František Petrovický on Google

Řešil jsem prodej vozu. Tlačili na mě ať co nejrychleji dojedu ještě ten den protože jsou tyto motory velmi chtěné atd a že nebude problém mi opravdu dobře zaplatit... Poté co jsem dojel mi sdělili že na tomto motoru není nic zvláštního (přitom věděli přesně s čím dojedu a paní to dokonce ověřovala u managera jestli potřebují tyto motory) a nabídli mi úplně směšnou cenu, kterou jsem samozřejmě odmítl. Nakonec mi nabídli poloviční cenu než kterou mi po telefonu slíbili, že mi určitě vyplatí. Pokud chcete ušetřit čas, peníze a nervy tak NIKDY neprodávejte nic přes aaa..
I was dealing with car sales. They pushed me to finish as fast as possible that day because these engines are very wanted, etc. and that it won't be a problem to pay me really well ... After I arrived, they told me that there was nothing special about this engine she even checked with the manager to see if they needed these engines) and they offered me a ridiculous price, which of course I refused. In the end, they offered me half the price they promised on the phone that they would definitely pay me. If you want to save time, money and nerves, NEVER sell anything over aaa ..
Kain Choi on Google

Monika Brzoskova on Google

Super ?
Venduska Pychova on Google

We came around 4:30 pm and did not leave until 20:30.. Six hours spent mostly waiting and yet I still don't feel like we close a good deal.
Cris Clark on Google

Piss poor service. Especially for foreigners. Don't speak Czech? Stay far away. As if you have a better option...
Dragan Kašler on Google

tl;dr AAA sold me a broken car, pic related. Went to see the car (2014 Fluence, 1.6 petrol, ~60k km, ~30 months of factory warranty left) and take it for a test drive. It made a rattling diesel engine sound immediately after starting the engine, but the AAA person told me it's because it hasn't been driven for a long time and assured me there are no issues with the vehicle whatsoever. Test drive went fine, decided to buy it after a couple of days. Arrived at the dealership, had to wait a couple of hours before I was asked what do I need (even though I already rold them on my arrival) and a couple more until we finished the paperwork. Since I was paying fully in cash, expected to get a small discount, carpets or first aid at least, no luck. The morning after I bought the car, started the engine, it made that awful sound from test drive and lit up service light (as in picture). So, I came to conclusion that the AAA person hid that from me while I was outside checking exterior. Tried to get in contact with the AAA in order to fix this issue, none of the operators wefe able to speak English. Fortunately, I had Renault's warranty and eventually got it fixed for free (would cost 25k otherwise). Will I ever consider buying a car from AAA again? Definitely not (and you shouldn't either).

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