Absinth Shop

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Absinth Shop

Address :

Voršilská, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Categories :
City : Nové Město

Voršilská, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Matěj Pánek on Google

legendární místo, doporučuju
legendary place, I recommend
Ulrike Kuck on Google

Achtet auf das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum!!! Als wir unsere 7up in 02/2020 gekauft haben, mussten wir beim Verzehr feststellen, dass diese bereits 10/2018 abgelaufen war. Beim Tausch stellte sich heraus, dass sämtliche Getränke abgelaufen waren (auch andere Marken). Wir nahmen diese aus dem Regal & brachten sie zur Verkäuferin, sie nahm diese beschämend entgegen. Ein paar Stunden später standen genau diese Getränke wieder im Regal!! Im Normalfall kein Stern für diesen Laden!
Pay attention to the best before date !!! When we bought our 7up in 02/2020, we found out when it was consumed that it had already expired in 10/2018. During the exchange it turned out that all drinks had expired (also other brands). We took them off the shelf & took them to the shop assistant, she took them shamefully. A few hours later these drinks were back on the shelf !! Usually no star for this shop!
Mikołaj Kaliszewski on Google

They are selling outdated products
ZePsykers on Google

Yet another mini market that tries scam every tourist they encounter. Watch out
Viktor Lynge on Google

The cashier tried to scam us 4 out of 4 times. They have fine supplies but be aware of the big scam artists.
StimpyThe1 One on Google

Well, a six-pack of water is 150czk (around 6€). Same six pack at Tesco cost 30czk. Enough said, another rip-off tourist shop where you can't even buy water for the night.
Jonas Østergaard on Google

He actively tries to scam tourists by changing prices suddenly and by saying you need to pay at least 200 czk for credit card usage. He also tried forcing us into paying with Euros which we didn't have and suddenly the card terminal started working again. If he does the neser-nik just refuse.
Lindsey Newell on Google


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