airport Bubovice

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact airport Bubovice

Address :

Bubovická 4, 267 18 Bubovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Bubovice

Bubovická 4, 267 18 Bubovice, Czechia
Robert Pecánek on Google

Pokud potřebujete opravit letadlo,zrepasovat v něm motor,jste v Bubovicích na tom správném místě!
If you need to repair the plane, repair the engine in it, you are in the right place in Bubovice!
Jana Zemanová on Google

Romantika, krásné okolí, potěší všechny příznivce létání.
Romance, beautiful surroundings, will delight all fans of flying.
Roman Vápeník on Google

Parádní letiště kousek za Prahou. Vzhledem ke známostem jsem občas schopen létat kam chci a fotit co chci. Jsou to přátelé....
Great airport just outside Prague. Due to my acquaintances, I can sometimes fly where I want and take pictures of what I want. They are friends ....
Láďa Novák on Google

Krásné malé letiště u Prahy. Rad se sem jezdím dívat. Zajímavost, kousek pod letištěm je odstavené letadlo Iljušin II - 14 viz foto, dá se k němu dostat od silnice není tam plot, ale je to asi nelegální ?...
Beautiful small airport near Prague. I like to come here to watch. Interesting, just below the airport is a parked Ilyushin II - 14 see photo, you can get to it from the road there is no fence, but it is probably illegal ? ...
miranda groen on Google

A small airport
Michal Skvarlo on Google

Vladimir Simakhin on Google

Nice place for sightseeing flyights with okair flight school
Dark Knight on Google

Small air field with a nice landing area. Met the owner who owns the 3 small ultralites. He was very nice and tall. I was surprised as to how he fit in the ultralite.

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