Akademie tradiční čínské medicíny s.r.o.

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Akademie tradiční čínské medicíny s.r.o.

Address :

61, Hlavní 325, 624 00 Brno-Komín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +799
Website : http://www.cinskamedicina.info/
Categories :
City : Brno Komín

61, Hlavní 325, 624 00 Brno-Komín, Czechia
Michael Sušický on Google

Jana Pachlová on Google

Vera Novotna on Google

Moc mi pomohli
They helped me a lot
Eva Čištínová on Google

Tato firma už zde nejspíš sídlo nemá!
This company probably no longer has its registered office here!
Nikodém Krohe on Google

Byl jsem velmi spokojen, krásní a srdeční lidi.
I was very pleased, lovely and heartbroken.
Věra Novotná on Google

Studium na této škole bylo pestré, probíraná látka byla srozumitelně prezentována. Lektoři byli výborní a všichni velmi ochotní.
The study at this school was varied, the subject matter was clearly presented. The lecturers were excellent and all very helpful.
My Info on Google

Potreboval jsem ulovit a uriznou roh posledniho nosozce. Predpkladal jsem ze me v tom tahle skola pomuze a da nejake prakticke rady k umuceni zvirat, pro tradicni cinske preparaty, ale nedostal jsem ani odpoved. Predpokladam ze tahle akademie uci neco jineho nez tu tradicni cinskou medicinu.
I needed to catch and cut off the corner of the last bear. I presupposed that this school helped me and some practical advice to torture animals, for traditional Chinese preparations, but I didn't even get an answer. I suppose this academy teaches something else than traditional Chinese medicine.
Tibetsky maser on Google

V Akademii TČM som absolvovala 2 kurzy (Diagnostika a Akupunktúra) v trvaní 5 rokov. Štúdium bolo zaujímavé, rôznorodé, lektorky boli veľmi fundované, uvádzali veľa príkladov zo svojej dlhoročnej diagnostickej a terapeutickej praxe. Na rozšírenie praktických znalostí zorganizovala Akademie v priebehu štúdia cez letné prázdniny Letnú školu venovanú Fytoterapii na spoznávanie domácich bylín a porovnanie ich účinkov s čínskymi bylinami. Organizácia štúdia bola realizovaná odborne, precízne, vždy boli včas dodané študijné materiály a pomôcky k praktickým úlohám. Srdečná vďaka za profesionálny a ľudský prístup :-) Zuzana Hriňová, Bratislava
At the TCM Academy, I completed 2 courses (Diagnostics and Acupuncture) lasting 5 years. The study was interesting, diverse, the lecturers were very well founded, they gave many examples from their many years of diagnostic and therapeutic practice. In order to expand its practical knowledge, the Academy organized a Summer School dedicated to Phytotherapy during the summer holidays to learn about domestic herbs and compare their effects with Chinese herbs. The organization of the study was carried out professionally, precisely, study materials and aids for practical tasks were always delivered on time. Heartfelt thanks for the professional and human approach :-) Zuzana Hriňová, Bratislava

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