Aledeto s.r.o.

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aledeto s.r.o.

Address :

Chářovská 78, 794 01 Krnov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Krnov

Chářovská 78, 794 01 Krnov, Czechia
Olda on Google

David Matušinský on Google

Volodymyr Mishchenko on Google

Zdeněk Faldyna on Google

Thomas Philip Bradley on Google

Ale de to... ?
But it is ... ?
Dauce Bigalow on Google

Skutečne nejhorší pristup a jednani ze všech firem, ktere jsme zkoušeli za celou dobu podnikani. A navic tady maji falesne pozitivni recenze bez textu, ktere maji nazbirane od znamych. NEJDE vam TO! ruce pryč!
Really the worst approach and actions of all the companies we have tried in the whole business. In addition, here they have false positive reviews without text, which they have collected from acquaintances. YOU DON'T FIND IT! hands off!
Marian Gentl on Google

Nedoporučuji! Komunikujeme s obchodním zástupcem který naslibuje všechno a potom přestane reagovat a zvedat mobil. Po komunikaci s jednatelem jsme dostali nabídku kteru jsme chtěli akceptovat a objednat. Potom se nedá dovolat a nereagují další týden nikdo z nich. Strata času s touto firmou, okradaji o čas, radši využijte jinu firmu ?
I do not recommend! We communicate with a sales representative who promises everything and then stops responding and picks up the cell phone. After communicating with the executive, we received an offer that we wanted to accept and order. Then they can't be called and none of them react for another week. Waste of time with this company, they rob you of time, you better use another company ?
Martin on Google

Stačilo vyslyšet a neignorovat obavu zákazníka, nevystupovat arogantně a jakoby byl zakaznik na obtíž a určitě bych rad jako krnovak spolupracoval dál. Zpracování: 75% Přístup: 30%
It was enough to listen and not ignore the customer's fears, not to act arrogantly and as if the customer was a nuisance, and I would certainly like to continue working as a krnovak. Processing: 75% Access: 30%

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