AlfaJob - agentura práce - Sedláčkova 24

3.5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact AlfaJob - agentura práce

Address :

Sedláčkova 24, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 301
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Categories :
City : Plzeň

Sedláčkova 24, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia
Roman Žítek on Google

p x on Google

Klasická personálka-nízke platy atd.
Classic staff - low salaries, etc.
David Král on Google

Prijemna komunikace, pekne prostredi, doporucuji vsem co hledaji praci co nejdriv, byl jsem zamestnan do tydne,.. a i za slusny penize,..
Pleasant communication, nice environment, I recommend to all who are looking for work as soon as possible, I was employed within a week, .. and for decent money, ..
Miroslav Ševčík on Google

Super jednání všech na agentuře. Na rozdíl od jiných agentur drží slovo.
Great meeting everyone at the agency. Unlike other agencies, it keeps its word.
David Šváb on Google

⭐️ seriózní jednání ⭐️ zajištění práce ⭐️ mzda včas ⭐️ přesčasy, dovolené, nemocenská, ?samozřejmostí ? ⭐️ individuální přístup ???
⭐️ serious dealings ⭐️ securing work ⭐️ salary on time ⭐️ overtime, leave, sick leave, am of course ? Individual approach
Emil Petro on Google

Agentúra fungovala už v roku 2013, keď som prvýkrát nastupoval do Škody Transportation (vtedy ešte cez inú agentúru). Za ten cca polrok, čo som zamestnancom tejto agentúry som vždy dostal VYPLATENÉ - čo bolo sľúbené! O poklese platu, ktorý mal nedávno nastať, som bol predom informovaný - nakoniec ale k nemu nedošlo - zrejme aj vďaka schopnosti agentury jednať a vyjednávať. Mzda je nastavená na pracovný výkon - hodiny x tarif. Nečakajte veľké peniaze za dovolenku, či marodku.. ako v skoro každej agentúre, ale tejto, sa dá z tých všetkých pracovných agentúr, aspoň trochu veriť.
The agency was already operational in 2013, when I first joined Škoda Transportation (then through another agency). For about half a year since I was an employee of this agency, I always got PAID - which was promised! I was informed of the recent salary cut - but it did not happen in the end - probably also thanks to the agency's ability to act and negotiate. The salary is set to work performance - hours x tariff. Don't expect big money for a holiday or a waste ... as in almost every agency, but this one, one of those employment agencies, can be at least a little trustworthy.

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