
4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

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nábř. Kpt. Jaroše 1000/7, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

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City : Praha 7 Holešovice

nábř. Kpt. Jaroše 1000/7, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
Sonnenblumenkind - on Google

Tomáš Kučera on Google

Lukáš Hes on Google

Markéta Nováková on Google

Pouliční galerie, zpestření jízdy v tramvaji po nábřeží.
Street gallery, diversified tram ride along the waterfront.
Michal Štingl on Google

Výborný způsob jak uvést angažované umění do veřejného prostoru. Kritická společenská témata často tlačí politiky. Artwall je nezisková organizace a prostor má pronajmutý od hlavního města. Za primátora Béma musela na tři roky přerušit činnost, evidentně z politických důvodů.
An excellent way to bring engaged art into the public space. Critical social issues often push politicians. Artwall is a non-profit organization and has space rented from the capital. Under the mayor of Bém she had to interrupt her work for three years, obviously for political reasons.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Artwall galerie umístěná na opěrné zdi Letenských sadů na Nábřeží kpt. Jaroše a Edvarda Beneše je skvělým příkladem umění ve veřejném prostoru. Galerie provozovala v letech 2005-2008, kdy pod organizačním řízením Centra pro současné umění Praha vystavovala 15 výstav českých i zahraničních umělců. V roce 2008 byla však galerie násilně uzavřena městskou radou, která z ní odstoupila od leasingové smlouvy. Proč? V té době zrovna vrcholila populistická kampaň pro Olympiádu v Praze pod heslem Všichni jsme v národním týmu. Skupina Guma Guar v rámci Artwall vyvěsila svoje plakáty, ne úplně nepodobné těm oficiálním, kde zloději, korupčníci a masoví vrazi s úsměvem přitákavali, že všichni jsme v národním týmu. Guma Guar se trefili do černého. V listopadu 2011, po třech letech mlčení, byl Artwall znovu otevřen veřejnosti, tentokrát pod vedením C2C kruhu kurátorů a kritiků. Artwall gallery located on Letná wall on the Cpt. Jaros and Edvard Benes Embankment represents a unique symbiosis of urban organism and public gallery. The gallery operated from 2005-2008 when, under the organizational management of the Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, displayed 15 exhibitions of both Czech and foreign artists. In 2008, however, the gallery was forcibly closed down by Municipality, who withdrew from it the leasing contract. Why? At that time, the populist campaign for the Olympics in Prague just culminated under the motto "We are all in the national team". The Guma Guar Group, within Artwall, posed their version of posters, similar to the official ones, where thieves, corrupts, and mass murderers were glad that "We are all in the national team". Rubber Guar hit the black. However in November 2011, after three years of silence, Artwall was re-opened to the public again, this time under the administration of C2C Circle of curators and critics.
Artwall gallery located on the retaining wall of Letna Park on Nábřeží kpt. Jaroš and Edvard Beneš is a great example of art in public space. The gallery operated in the years 2005-2008, when under the organizational management of the Center for Contemporary Art in Prague it exhibited 15 exhibitions of Czech and foreign artists. In 2008, however, the gallery was forcibly closed by the city council, which withdrew from the leasing contract. Why? At that time, the populist campaign for the Prague Olympics under the slogan We are all in the national team was culminating. The Guma Guar group hung out their posters at Artwall, not entirely unlike the official ones, where thieves, corrupt people and mass murderers smiled with a smile that we were all on the national team. Gum Guar hit black. In November 2011, after three years of silence, Artwall was reopened to the public, this time under the leadership of the C2C circle of curators and critics. Artwall gallery located on Letná wall on the Cpt. Jaros and Edvard Benes Embankment represents a unique symbiosis of urban organism and public gallery. The gallery operated from 2005-2008 when, under the organizational management of the Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, displayed 15 exhibitions of both Czech and foreign artists. In 2008, however, the gallery was forcibly closed down by Municipality, who withdrew from it the leasing contract. Why? At that time, the populist campaign for the Olympics in Prague just culminated under the motto "We are all in the national team". The Guma Guar Group, within Artwall, posed their version of posters, similar to the official ones, where thieves, corrupts, and mass murderers were glad that "We are all in the national team". Rubber Guar hit the black. However in November 2011, after three years of silence, Artwall was re-opened to the public again, this time under the administration of C2C Circle of curators and critics.
Eva Jordan on Google

Galerie současných umělců pod širým nebem, díla můžete shlédnout z tramvaje, jsou umístěna na stěně pod Letenskými sady po celém Nabřeží kpt. Jaroše .
Gallery of contemporary artists in the open air, the works can be seen from the tram, are located on the wall under the Letna Gardens all over the Cpt. Jaroše.
Daviďák “Deadwid” Maty on Google

Prostor Artwall představuje jedinečnou symbiózu městského organismu a galerie pod širým nebem. Galerie Artwall tvoří monumentální výklenky v opěrné zdi na nábřeží Vltavy. Program galerie Artwall se tematicky věnuje umělecké tvorbě zaměřené na společenské a politické otázky. Artwall si klade za cíl podporovat pronikání současného umění do mimogalerijního prostředí. Tento cíl vychází z povahy místa, které svou dominantní polohou zaručuje účinnou komunikaci s veřejností.
The Artwall space represents a unique symbiosis of the urban organism and an open-air gallery. The Artwall Gallery consists of monumental niches in the retaining wall on the Vltava embankment. The program of the Artwall Gallery is thematically devoted to artistic creation focused on social and political issues. Artwall aims to support the penetration of contemporary art into the non-gallery environment. This goal is based on the nature of the place, which with its dominant position guarantees effective communication with the public.

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