Austrian-Prussian War Memorial

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Austrian-Prussian War Memorial

Address :

405 02 Kamenice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Kamenice

405 02 Kamenice, Czechia
Pavel on Google

Hezká procházka
Nice walk
Štěpán H on Google

Peter Nusing on Google

Dan Šimůnek on Google

Památník. Dělá to co má...
Monument. He does what he has ...
zuzana samkova on Google

Je to krásný památník, byla jsem tam asi osmkrát a pokaždé byl úžasný
It's a beautiful monument, I've been there about eight times and it's been amazing every time
Hoover S on Google

Kriegerdenkmal mit Inschrift: "Zur ehrenden Erinnerung an die tapferen gefallenen österreichischen und preußischen Krieger, welche hier in treuer Pflichterfüllung in der Zeit vom 18.-21. Juli 1757 für Kaiser, König und Vaterland den Heldentod erlitten haben. - Gott schenke ihnen den ewigen Frieden. - Gewidmet von Ed. Lehmann aus Kreibitz am 19. Aug. 1906."
War memorial with inscription: "In honor of the brave fallen Austrian and Prussian warriors who suffered the hero's death here in the period from July 18-21, 1757 in the period of 18-21 July 1757 for the emperor, king and fatherland. God give them the eternal Peace. - Dedicated by Ed. Lehmann from Kreibitz on Aug. 19, 1906. "
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Člověku se až nechce věřit, že na některých nádherných a klidných místech, kudy prochází, psala historie ty nejkrutější události. Tak tomu bylo i na svazích Studence, kde se v létě 1757 odehrála krvavá, dnes však takřka neznámá třídenní bitva v rámci prusko-rakouské války. Válečné vřavy se tehdy účastnily desetitisíce vojáků a zůstaly po ní stovky mrtvých na obou stranách. Ač se dodnes na některých místech dají najít masové hroby, vzpomínky na událost se z naší paměti takřka vytratily. Důstojnou připomínku najdete alespoň v místě odbočky turistické trasy na Zlatý vrch, kde stojí pěkný pomník, jenž nechal postavit začátkem 20. století vysloužilý důstojník Eduard Lehmann. One does not want to believe that in some beautiful and calm places he or she passes, history has written the most cruel events. This was also the case on the slopes of Studenec hill, where in the summer of 1757 there was a bloody, but almost unknown, three-day battle within the Prussian-Austrian War. At that time tens of thousands of soldiers took part in the turmoil, leaving hundreds dead on both sides. Even though mass graves can still be found in some places, the event have almost disappeared from our memory. A decent reminder can be found at least at the turn of the hiking trail to Zlatý vrch (the Golden Hill). It is a nice monument, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century by a retired officer Eduard Lehmann.
One does not want to believe that in some beautiful and quiet places he passes, history has written the cruelest events. This was also the case on the slopes of Studence, where in the summer of 1757 a bloody, but now almost unknown, three-day battle took place during the Prussian-Austrian war. Tens of thousands of soldiers took part in the turmoil of the war, leaving hundreds dead on both sides. Although mass graves can still be found in some places, memories of the event have almost disappeared from our memory. You will find a worthy reminder at least at the turn of the tourist route to Zlatý vrch, where there is a nice monument, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century by a retired officer Eduard Lehmann. One does not want to believe that in some beautiful and calm places he or she passes, history has written the most cruel events. This was also the case on the slopes of Studenec hill, where in the summer of 1757 there was a bloody, but almost unknown, three-day battle within the Prussian-Austrian War. At that time tens of thousands of soldiers took part in the turmoil, leaving hundreds dead on both sides. Even though mass graves can still be found in some places, the event have almost disappeared from our memory. A decent reminder can be found at least at the turn of the hiking trail to Zlatý vrch (the Golden Hill). It is a nice monument, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century by a retired officer Eduard Lehmann.
Vladimír Kraus on Google

Tzv. Lehmannovy pomníky, dle zřizovatele. Vybudované byly r. 1906. Na nápisu vyznívá shaha o usmíření obou stran, vojáci ve smrti leží vedle sebe bez ohlednu na to, na které straně válčili.
The so-called Lehmann monuments, according to the founder. They were built in 1906. The inscription says shaha about reconciliation on both sides, the soldiers in death lie side by side, regardless of which side they fought on.

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