Auto Eurodiesel - good as new cars Sale

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Contact Auto Eurodiesel - good as new cars Sale

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Znojemská 839, 586 01 Jihlava, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
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City : Jihlava

Znojemská 839, 586 01 Jihlava, Czechia
Fanda Drozd on Google

Vykupují vozy repasované Volkswagnem, ale pouze ty, u kterých vědí, že se rychle prodají. Pokud se vám nějaké jejich auto líbí, dlouho nečekejte. ?
They buy cars refurbished by Volkswagen, but only those they know will sell quickly. If you like one of their cars, don't wait long. ?
Michal Toufar on Google

Již jsem asi před 1/2 rokem zakoupil už druhý osobní automobil od stejné společnosti a jsem naprosto spokojený – automobil má doloženou servisní historii ze zahraničí přímo od autorizovaného servisu výrobního koncernu a vše odpovídalo dle inzerovaného popisu na webových stránkách společnosti včetně technického stavu. Po delším aktivním užívání nenastala ani se neprojevila žádná skrytá vada nebo porucha. Velice si cením profesionálního a osobního přístupu od prodejce.
About 1/2 year ago I bought a second car from the same company and I am completely satisfied - the car has a documented service history from abroad directly from the authorized service of the production concern and everything corresponded to the advertised description on the company's website, including technical condition. After prolonged active use, no hidden defect or disorder occurred or manifested. I really appreciate the professional and personal approach from the seller.
Adam Mery on Google

Ak rozmýšlate nad kúpou vozidla tak len z KVALITNÉHO autobazaru , práve preto som zvolil autobazar eurodiesel! Pri prvej obhliadke vozidla zlatá milá pani , ktorá Vám slúbí všetko a presdvedčí Vás , že vozidlo je v 110percentnom vstave, hocijaka chyba by sa nastala kludne jej môžete volať veď nato sú tam aby vyriešili všetko. V skutočnosti? Ročná záruka im nehovorí nič , jednanie snimi sa nedá... Kúpite auto za ktoré zaplatite dosť vela penazi (viac ako u konkurencii) tie peniaze sú aj za kvalitne služby a riešenia! V piatok 7.5 kupil som vozidlo vw passat 2017 2.0TDI 13.5 som dostal termin v servise kde som ho dal kontrolovat. Zistili ze chýba predny spojler ktory stoji 120-150 eur samozrejme bez montáže! Spravili diagnostiku samé chybi vykazovalo týkajuceho predneho nárazníka (predne senzory , predne svetlomety , atď) Pisal som pani Jedinej e-mail, že čo sa stalo! Bol som naivny myslel som , že keď zaplatím viac ako u konkurencii len preto aby som bol isty , že takéto niečo sa nemôže stáť tak sa to nestane! Ajkeby tak vyriešia bez problémov! (Fotky s výsledkamy z diagnostiky som tiež priložil) Odpoveď: chybajuci plast ich nezaujima a chybi su len kôli baterke lebože je už stará...Hovoríme o passate z 2017... ten plast je iba moja chyba , mal som ho kontrolovat či to tam je. Je to spôsobile na cestnu premávku takže ich to nezaujíma! Pani Jedina nebola ani prekvapená, ale ani nevedela o spojlerovy... Znovu som sa ju snažil poprosiť aby vyriešila problém! Odpoveď: ten plast máme aj na zázneme pri dovození z Nemecka (predošlom maile ešte oničom nevedela!) ale je to môj problém lebo som ho nepozrel a znovu mi pripomína že je treba dobiť baterku aby nevykazovalo chybi! Už len otázka keď otom vedela tak by nemala aj upozornit ?? Ako kvalitny autobazar môžú utajiť chýbajuce súčiastky vozidla?? A nemala by diagnostika vykazovat chyby aj z ostatnych časti vozidla? Sú tu len odpovede , ktoré naznamenávajú , že ich to nezaujíma zaplatili ste , je to Vaše vozidlo sú to Vaše problémy! Dalšia vec , kto by si lahol do blata pod vozidlom , len aby pozrel spojler, na ktory by ani najlepší mechaník nemyslel , že presne to bude chýbať? Krasne pekne diplomaticky vedia zrušit človeka, len aby nemuseli nič riešit...A ani nehovorim, že po podpísani kúpnej zmluvy sa otočila v momente o 180stupňov , že ajked sa mi pači ajked nie už je to moje takže ju nezaujima ajkeby som nepodpisal papier a  mal by som len smolu... Potom začala , že ona je tu sama a koĺko roboty má atď... Takto by sa nemala pred zákaznikom NIKTO správat, hlavne pred takýmito zákaznikmy ktorý tam nechali dost vela pežazi .. Kôli niečomu ten spojler odmontovali a kôli niečomu vykazovala chyby aj autodiagnostika a čudne len z predného častu auta. Chcel som eurodiesel Šelpice odporúčit aj ďalšim 2luďom, ako kvalitny autobazar už neviem! Nechcem vediet, že akoby reagovali kebyže by bol nejaký váčši problem s vozidlom, ktorý by zistil mechanik... (Spojler je objednaný za SVOJE náklady , kedže pani Jedina už ani odpísať nevie, takýto prístup som ešte nikde nezažil , aj mechanýci boli šokovaný, že dáte vozidlo prekontrolovať ešte v týždni a zisite ,že chybajú súčiastky vozidla , čo je chyba autobazaru! Jednoznačne prístup, ochota, správanie a riešenia z ich strany je pre mňa neprijateľné. Už neviem , či som vybral ten správny autobazar... Asi nie...
If you are thinking of buying a vehicle just from a QUALITY car bazaar, that is why I chose the eurodiesel car bazaar! At the first inspection of the vehicle, dear golden lady, who serves you everything and will convince you that the vehicle is in 110 percent capacity, although any mistake would occur, you can call her, because then they are there to solve everything. In reality? The one-year warranty tells them nothing, it is impossible to act with them ... Buy a car for which you pay a lot of money (more than the competition), that money is also for quality services and solutions! On Friday 7.5 I bought a vehicle vw passat 2017 2.0TDI 13.5 I got a term in the service where I had it checked. They found out that the front spoiler is missing, which costs 120-150 euros, of course, without assembly! They diagnosed the error itself showed the front bumper (front sensors, front headlights, etc.) I wrote Ms. The only email that happened! I was naive thinking that if I pay more than the competition just to be sure that something like this can't happen it won't happen! Ajkeby will solve it without any problems! (I also attached photos with diagnostic results) Answer: they are not interested in the missing plastic and they are missing only because of the flashlight because it is old ... We are talking about a passate from 2017 ... the plastic is only my fault, I should have checked it to see if it was there. It is suitable for road traffic so they are not interested! Mrs. Jedina wasn't even surprised, but she didn't even know about the spoilers ... I tried to ask her again to solve the problem! Answer: we also have the plastic on the record when imported from Germany (the previous e-mail didn't know anyone yet!) But it's my problem because I didn't look at it and reminds me again that it is necessary to recharge the flashlight so that it does not show a mistake! Just a question when she knew then shouldn't even point out ?? How can a second-hand car dealership hide missing vehicle parts? And shouldn't the diagnostics show errors from other parts of the vehicle as well? There are only answers that mean they don't care you paid, it's your vehicle it's your problems! Another thing, who would lie in the mud under the vehicle, just to look at the spoiler that even the best mechanic wouldn't think would be exactly missing? They can pretty well diplomatically cancel a person just so they don't have to deal with anything ... And I'm not even saying that after signing the purchase contract she turned 180 degrees at the moment, even though I like it, even though it's not mine anymore, so I'm not interested I would just be unlucky ... Then she started that she is here alone and how many robots she has, etc ... NOBODY should behave in front of a customer, especially in front of such customers who have left a lot of money there .. For something, the spoiler was dismantled, and for something, the self-diagnostics also showed errors, and strangely only from the front of the car. I wanted to recommend eurodiesel Šelpice to other 2 people, how I don't know a quality car bazaar anymore! I don't want to know that they would react if there was a bigger problem with the vehicle that the mechanic would find out ... . Clearly, their approach, willingness, behavior and solutions are unacceptable to me. I don't know if I chose the right car bazaar ... Probably not ...
MrRaadoos on Google

Objednán na čas na geometrií přední nápravy. Týden jsem musel počkat na hodinu která mi vyhovovala. Po příjezdu do servisu mi bylo oznámeno že musím počkat neznámo jak dlouho protože mají plno. Zda tam nechám auto a přijedu dopoledne jsem považoval za špatný vtip. Mladíka za přepážkou jsem se zeptal proč se objednávám týden dopředu abych měl jistotu že to bude na počkání ? Neuměl to vyargumentovat. Nikdy více k Vám pane Pártl . Začíná vám to skřípat.
Ordered on time for front axle geometry. For a week I had to wait for an hour that suited me. Upon arrival at the service, I was told that I had to wait unknown for how long because they were full. I thought it would be a bad joke to leave the car there and come in the morning. I asked the young man behind the counter, why was I ordering a week in advance to make sure it would be waiting? He couldn't argue it. Never again to you, Mr. Pártl. It's starting to squeak.
zdenek kresa on Google

Kupovali jsme ze synem Tiguana , nastali problémy ze stavem vozidla, firma reagovala vstřícně a začala vozidlo opravovat. Nakonec jsme se bez problémů domluvili s vedoucím bazaru Jihlava Pávov panem Doleželem na výměně vozidla za jiné. Moc chválím. Klidně půjdu do tohoto bazaru koupit i další vozidlo , rozhodně doporučuji. Vše OK . Komunikace je důležitá a ta zde byla na 100 %. V životě se stane že máte pech na auto . Vše se vyřešilo. Zdeněk KRESA
We bought from Tiguan's son, there were problems with the condition of the vehicle, the company reacted to the support and started repairing the vehicle. In the end, we easily agreed with the head of the Jihlava Pávov bazaar, Mr. Doležel, to exchange the vehicle for another. I praise you very much. I will go to this bazaar to buy another vehicle, I definitely recommend. Everything OK . Communication is important and it was 100%. It happens in life that you have bad luck on a car. Everything has been solved. Zdeněk KRESA
Vláďa Tau on Google

Lad. Bárta on Google

Petr Krpalek on Google


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