Auto Yetti s.r.o.

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Auto Yetti s.r.o.

Address :

Karlovarská 147, 350 02 Cheb, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Website :
Categories :
City : Cheb

Karlovarská 147, 350 02 Cheb, Czechia
Pavel Kundrát on Google

Super výběr i služby. Super ochotný personál.?????
Super selection and service. Super helpful staff.?????
Martin Sláma on Google

Nesnaží se tu nikoho pomílit, auta pěkná ale dražší.
They're not trying to make anyone mistake, nice cars but more expensive.
Johny V8 on Google

Tyhle lidi zákazník nazajímá,arogance,tupost, a hlavně nepoctivé jednani.Je to hnus velebnosti.
These people the customer is interested in, arrogance, dullness, and most importantly dishonesty. It's disgusting majesty.
Milan Lukeš on Google

Nedoporučuji, přestříkaný šroty, slibovaná serviska se ztratila klíč také, žádná snaha ze strany bazaru
I do not recommend, oversprayed scrap, promised service station lost the key as well, no effort on the part of the bazaar
Kateřina Hradilová on Google

Auto po cestě začlo rachotit v motoru (po ujetých asi 200km). Nebyla to chyba bazaru. Při poslední opravě dal někdo špatné šrouby. Oprava nebyla nijak velká ani drahá. S autem jsme spokojeni. Doklady k vozu byli také v pořádku.
The car started rattling in the engine along the way (after driving about 200km). It wasn't a bazaar's fault. During the last repair, someone put the wrong screws. The repair was neither big nor expensive. We are satisfied with the car. The car documents were also in order.
Patrik Nagy on Google

240km tam 240km zpět. Po telefonu nám bylo řečeno, že vůz je v pořádku bez vad. Po příjezdu mělo auto otáčky na volnoběh a motor měl divný zvuk, v motorové části bylo enormně velké množství vyteklého oleje, prý normální u dieselu :D. Po příjezdu do jejich známého bazaru vyšlo najevo, další několik věcí - např. plný DPF, špatná váha vzduchu paliva, atd. Oprava tak na 20-30tisíc min. Po telefonu vám nic neřeknou a pak mlží. Nejezděte tam...
240km there 240km back. We were told over the phone that the car was fine without defects. Upon arrival, the car had idle speed and the engine had a strange sound, in the engine part there was an enormous amount of spilled oil, said to be normal with diesel: Upon arrival at their famous bazaar, it became clear several other things - such as full DPF, poor weight of fuel air, etc. Repair for 20-30 thousand min. They won't tell you anything on the phone and then they're foggy. Don't go there ...
Martin Kühn on Google

Zakoupil jsem v tomto autobazaru jiz nekolik vozů k me naproste spokojenosti. Profesionalni pristup a nadstandardni pomoc s veskerou legislativou spojenou s prevodem. Vřele doporučuji všem.
I have already bought several cars in this used car shop to my complete satisfaction. Professional approach and above-standard assistance with all legislation related to the transfer. I highly recommend to everyone.
Kader mohideen tariq on Google

I bought a VW from Auto yetti. The car is of excellent quality. Very transparent and genuine approach. I totally recommend auto yetti for anyone who needs to buy an used car. Thank you Robert and Martin for your service.

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