Autobusové nádraží Beroun

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Autobusové nádraží Beroun

Address :

Nádraží, 266 01 Beroun, Czechia

Website :
Categories :
City : Beroun

Nádraží, 266 01 Beroun, Czechia
Josef Galcik on Google

Pravidelná linka
Regular line
evžen klouček on Google

Špína staveniště
Dirt construction site
Superman 007 on Google

Konečně je vedle sebe autobusák a vlakové nádraží
Finally, there is a bus and the train station next to each other
Vera Scevikova on Google

Toto rozhodnutí mít spojeno vlaky a autobusy u sebe bylo to nejlepší co mohli udělat
This decision to have trains and buses together was the best they could do
Karel Stasov on Google

Ne jenom nádraží, ale Berounský Medvěd to je cílová stanice, protože Honzikovo medové nikde nemají.
Not only the station, but Berounský Medvěd is the destination station, because they don't have Honzik's honey anywhere.
Petmajstr on Google

Nic moc atmosfera ale jinak cajk
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Integrovaný dopravní uzel vlakového a autobusového nádraží funguje od roku 2016, a jedna jeho část - autobusové nádraží nabízí další možnost dopravy do oblastí Českého krasu, ale i vhodnou alternativu dopravy třeba do hlavního města, která je přeci jen pořád kratší než vlakový spoj. Pokud plánujete výlet například do krásných míst u Svatého Jana pod skalou, je toto ideální řešení. Nádraží je celkem hezky a moderně vybavené s krytými místy na sezení pro případ deště. V sousedství je parkoviště i trochu divoká večerka, kde se dá dozásobit nápoji, pokud jste na déle cestách a spěcháte. The integrated transport hub of the train and bus station has been in operation since 2016 and one part of it - the bus station offers additional transport possibility to the Bohemian Karst areas, but also a suitable alternative to Prague, which is still shorter than the train connection. If you plan to take a trip (for example) to beautiful places bby St. John under the rocks, this is the perfect solution. The train station is quite nice and modernly equipped with covered seating areas in case of bad weather. In the neighborhood there is a parking lot and a bit of a wild convenience store, where you can buy drinks if you are on long journeys and you are in a hurry.
The integrated transport hub of the train and bus station has been operating since 2016, and one part of it - the bus station - offers another possibility of transport to the Czech Karst areas, but also a suitable alternative to transport to the capital, which is still shorter than the train connection. If you are planning a trip to beautiful places near St. John under the Rock, for example, this is the ideal solution. The station is quite nice and modern equipped with covered seating in case of rain. In the neighborhood there is a parking lot and a little wild evening, where you can stock up with a drink if you are on longer trips and in a hurry. The integrated transport hub of the train and bus station has been in operation since 2016 and one part of it - the bus station offers additional transport possibility to the Bohemian Karst areas, but also a suitable alternative to Prague, which is still shorter than the train connection. If you plan to take a trip (for example) to beautiful places bby St. John under the rocks, this is the perfect solution. The train station is quite nice and modernly equipped with covered seating areas in case of bad weather. In the neighborhood there is a parking lot and a bit of a wild convenience store, where you can buy drinks if you are on long journeys and you are in a hurry.
Nataly Karpenko on Google

Небольшой автобусный вокзал,куда приезжают автобусы как городского направления,так и на близлежащие села,например, Тетин. Есть электронное табло,все предельно понятно
A small bus station, where buses arrive both in the city direction and in nearby villages, for example, Tetin. There is an electronic scoreboard, everything is very clear

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