AWA - Orlí 491

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact AWA

Address :

Orlí 491, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 602
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Categories :

Orlí 491, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia
Lucie Skalníková on Google


Ondrej Kristek on Google

Lucie Papežová on Google

Jógá pro těhotné
Yoga for pregnant women
Renata Procházková on Google

Dobrý den,včera jsme navštívily tohle relaxační centrum,kde jsme měly zakoupený dva poukazy na masáž lávovými kameny. Byly jsem po 2 zrušených termínech z jejich strany konečně objednaní. Během masáže jsme očekávaly, kdy konečně přijde masáž kameny,ale bohužel jsme se téhle služby nedočkaly. Po skončeni jsem zareagovala,kdy pan masér použije lávové kameny,ale s údivem nám zdělil,že mu bylo slečnou z recepce řečeno,že máme dvakrát pouze relaxační masáž. Tak jsem zašla za slečnou a zeptala jsem se jí jak je to možné,když mám zaplacenou jinou masáž. Ona o všem věděla jen dosud nechápu proč tohle udělala. Řekla mi,že tahle masáž se v létě neděla, což není pravda a i kdyby,tak nás měla na tohle upozornit při objednávání termínu a né to bez dovolení změnit. Tvrdila mi,že cena je stejná,což také není pravda,protože relaxační masáž je levnější. Nenabídla mi ani vrácení části peněz ,když udělala tuhle chybu o které moc dobře věděla. Takový lidé kazí pověst tomuhle relaxačnímu centru, i přesto,že mají šikovné maséry. Vedení by se mělo nad tím zamyslet,jestli jim za to stojí zaměstnávat takové lidi. Jsem velice zklamaná a nečekala jsem takové chování. Už nikdy tohle centrum nenavštívím a nebudu doporučovat.
Hello, yesterday we visited this relaxation center, where we bought two vouchers for hot stone massage. We were finally ordered after 2 canceled deadlines. During the massage we expected when the massage would finally come, but unfortunately we did not receive this service. At the end I responded when the masseur used lava stones, but he surprised us that he was told by the reception lady that we only have a relaxing massage twice. So I went to the lady and asked her how it was possible if I had paid another massage. She only knew about everything so far I don't know why she did this. She told me that this massage was not done in the summer, which is not true, and even if she did, she should have warned us about this when ordering a date and not change it without permission. She told me that the price is the same, which is also not true, because a relaxing massage is cheaper. She didn't even offer me a refund when she made the mistake she knew very well about. Such people spoil the reputation of this relaxation center, even though they have skilful masseurs. Management should think about whether it is worth employing such people. I am very disappointed and I did not expect such behavior. I will never visit this center again and will not recommend it.
DIta Gunčevová on Google

Skvělé místo pro odpočinek a možnost nadýchat se slaného vzduchu, skoro jako u moře
Great place to relax and breathe the salty air, almost like by the sea
Veronika Zuskáčová on Google

Chodili sme s dcérkou na detské hodinky do soľnej jaskyne skoro 3 roky a chodili sme tam celý čas rady, ale v tomto prípade bohužiaľ platí, že konec zlý, všetko zlé. Už som si aj zvykla na to, že doobeda sa stane, že nás nepustia, lebo si celú jaskyňu objednala škôlka a poctivo som sa na dnes ohlásila emailom deň dopredu, či môžeme prísť konkrétny deň v konkrétnom čase. Bolo mi emailom potvrdené, že určite prísť môžeme. Lenže...hneď pri vchode mi pani na recepcii posmešne hlásila, že sme prišli neskoro a do jaskyne nás nepustí. Prišli sme s dcérkou celé 2 MINÚTY neskôr!!! A vysvetlenie? Že práve pustila do jaskyne pani, ktorá už k ním chodí 10 rokov a vyžaduje, aby tam bolo ticho a zhastnuté DETSKEJ HODINKE!!! A že čakala presne do času otvorenia či niekto príde s deťmi a potom ju pustila a že pani už zaplatila vstup a my máme len Multisportku...a že je to moja chyba. Pritom sme sa ohlásili presne na tento čas, a teda o nás vedela. X-krát predtým sme na vstup do jaskyne prišli o čosi neskôr, aj iní ľudia s deťmi zvykli prísť neskôr a nikdy nebol problém...dokonca tá istá pani mi raz vravela (keď som sa strašne ospravedlňovala, že meškáme), že to vôbec nevadí a na detských hodinkách s tým rátajú. Takže to vôbec nie je nejaké striktné pravidlo. Pani recepčná proste zneužila svoju pozíciu a nepustila do jaskyne ohlásené dieťa na DETSKÚ HODINKU (a to tam ešte chodí zo zdravotných dôvodov kvôli atopickému ekzému) nie preto, že prišlo o 2 minúty neskôr, ale preto, že protekčne pustila dovnútra starú známu, ktorá si absolútne nemá čo nárokovať špeciálne podmienky a celú jaskyňu pre seba pri zaplatení obyčajného vstupného! A ešte na detskej hodinke!!! A najviac ale najviac ma nazlostilo to, že pani recepčná neukázala ani náznak súcitu, že som 2-ročné dieťa zložito vychystávala a celú cestu hnala a že sa malá celý deň tešila do jaskyne. Keby sa mi aspoň ospravedlnila a hľadala nejaké riešenie...ale ona sa mi s milým úsmevom a medovým hlasom VYSMIALA, že je to moja chyba a kto neskoro chodí, sám sebe škodí...!!! To bolo také ponižujúce, že ani omylom sa tam s dcékou nevrátime a veľmi rady budeme pre zmenu šíriť zlé meno namiesto doterajšej chvály.
My daughter and I went to the salt cave for children's watches for almost 3 years and we went there all the time, but in this case, unfortunately, the end is bad, everything is bad. I am already used to the fact that in the morning it will happen that they will not let us go, because the whole cave was ordered by the nursery and I honestly checked in by email the day before if we can come to a specific day at a specific time. I was confirmed by email that we can definitely come. But ... right at the entrance, the lady at the reception desk mocked me that we were late and would not let us into the cave. My daughter and I arrived 2 MINUTES later !!! And the explanation? That she had just been let into the cave by a lady who has been coming to them for 10 years and requires that there be silence and dim light ... on the CHILDREN'S WATCH !!! And that she waited exactly until the opening time if someone would come with the children and then let her go, and that the lady had already paid for the entrance and we only had Multisport ... and that it was my fault. At the same time, we reported for exactly this time, so she knew about us. X times before we lost the entrance to the cave a little later, other people with children used to come later and there was never a problem ... even the same lady once told me (when I was terribly sorry that we were late) that it was not it doesn't matter and they count on it on the children's watch. So it's not a strict rule at all. The receptionist simply abused her position and did not let the child reported to the cave into the CHILDREN'S WATCH (and she still goes there for health reasons due to atopic eczema) not because she came 2 minutes later, but because she protectively let in an old acquaintance who absolutely has nothing to claim special conditions and the whole cave for itself when paying the usual entrance fee! And still on the children's watch !!! And what annoyed me the most was that the receptionist showed no sign of compassion, that I was difficult to pick a 2-year-old child and chased me all the way, and that the little one was looking forward to the cave all day. If only she would apologize to me and look for a solution ... but she laughed at me with a nice smile and a honey voice that it was my fault and whoever walks late hurts himself ... !!! It was so humiliating that my daughter and I will not return there by mistake, and we will be very happy to spread a bad name for a change instead of the previous praise.
Loredana Grigore on Google

Nice place to relax and a lot of toys if you come with a kid.

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