Azyl Tylda z.s.

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Azyl Tylda z.s.

Address :

Drahlovice 49, 267 27 Skuhrov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +979
Website :
Categories :
City : Skuhrov

Drahlovice 49, 267 27 Skuhrov, Czechia
Michal Dvořák on Google

David Orlt (aN00BisCZ) on Google

Štěpánka Jandová on Google

Veronika Ouhrabková on Google

Petr Skála on Google

Simona Majkova on Google

Velmi milá paní majitelka,stará se o zvířátka s laskou.
Very nice lady owner, she takes care of the animals with love.
Jiri Rohan on Google

Klobouk dolů před péčí o pejsky a kočičky!
Hats off before caring for dogs and cats!
Jiří Urban on Google

Péče o pejsky (někdy i kočičky) všeho druhu a původu. Ale vždycky sirotci. Srdce na dlani, a i bez dotací!
Caring for dogs (sometimes cats) of all kinds and origins. But always orphans. Hearts in the palm of your hand, even without subsidies!

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