Baluka restaurace & kavárna - lahůdky - Mukařovského 2590/2

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

restaurace BALUKA - kavárna BALUKA -

nabídka obědů, večeří, denní menu

Contact Baluka restaurace & kavárna - lahůdky

Address :

Mukařovského 2590/2, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodůlky, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 155
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Stodůlky

Mukařovského 2590/2, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodůlky, Czechia
stojkin26 on Google

Jsem rad ze je tu na Lukach konecne poradna a kvalitni restaurace. Skvele tradicni jidlo, velice prijemna obsluha a pekne prostredi. Byli jsme od otevreni jiz 3x a vzdy vyborne. Jidlo doopravdy chutna po domacku, jako od babicky. Prekvapil i toceny Breznak. Ceny jsou take dobre. Super je i rolovana zmrzlina u ktere je jen zazitek sledovat jeji pripravu a clovek si ji muze vzit jen tak sebou. Nechali si tu doopravdy zalezet na kazdem detailu.
I am glad that there is finally a counseling center and a quality restaurant here in Lukach. Great traditional food, very friendly service and nice environment. We have been open 3 times and always great. The food really tastes like homemade. He also surprised the tapped Breznak. The prices are also good. It's also great for rolled ice cream, which is just an experience to watch its preparation and one can only take it with him. They really let every detail get in here.
Gulnara Shumasova on Google

Za atmosféru, personál, vstricnost a prostředí 5*. Jídlo bylo částečně studené :bramborová kaše s kroupy divná kombinace a majoran dominoval tak, že jiné složky nebyly cítit. Maso bylo dobré. Saláty zeleninové vůbec nejsou. Zelenina Grill byla bez chuti a studená. Stejk byl také studený.
For atmosphere, staff, friendliness and environment 5 *. The food was partly cold: mashed potatoes with pearl barley a strange combination and marjoram dominated so that other ingredients could not be smelled. The meat was good. There are no vegetable salads at all. Grill vegetables were tasteless and cold. The steak was also cold.
Ondrej Pina on Google

Obsluha je vždy milá a případné nedostatky ochotně napraví. Prodejna potravin - je příjemné osvěžení v dnešní supermarketove šedi. Mají dost věcí nebo značek co se hůře schání a za přijatelné ceny. Bohužel sortiment je akorát dost nepravidelný, něco si zvyknete tam nakupovat a po čase už to nenabízejí. Zákusky vypadají nádherně jsou trošku dražší některé chutnají standardně dobře a jiné si myslím že by za tu cenu měli být o úroveň chuťově lepší. Pivo Březnak - na to, že jde o lokální levnější pivo je celkem pitelne a je to lepší průměr. Jídlo - zde je asi největší slabina. Možná jsem měl velká očekávání ale ani druhá návštěva mě nepřesvědčila že by šlo v této lokalitě o restauraci která je o úroveň výše než konkurence. Z toho co jsem měl možnost ochutnat ( 3 polévky a 4 hlavní jídla ) byla víc jak polovina nedochucena ale i absolutně neslaná. Když to tak zhodnotím co jsem viděl i fotky jídel, za mě to lépe vypadá na talíři než ve výsledku chutná což je velká škoda.
The staff is always nice and will gladly correct any shortcomings. Grocery store - is a pleasant refreshment in today's supermarket gray. They have enough things or brands that are harder to find and at affordable prices. Unfortunately, the assortment is just quite irregular, you get used to shopping there and over time they no longer offer it. The desserts look beautiful, they are a bit more expensive, some taste good by default and others I think they should be one level better in taste at that price. Březnak beer - the fact that it is a cheaper local beer is quite drinkable and it is a better average. Food - this is probably the biggest weakness. Maybe I had high expectations, but even the second visit did not convince me that it was a restaurant in this location that is one level higher than the competition. What I had the opportunity to taste (3 soups and 4 main courses) was more than half unflavored but also absolutely unsalted. When I evaluate what I saw and the photos of the food, it looks better on the plate than it tastes like the end, which is a great pity.
Nikos Magopoulos on Google

Great service , great food. Will definitely visit again.
Petra Periasamy on Google

Extensive menu, great food, friendly and knowledgeable staff and a kid's zone. Really pleased.
Darya Rudych on Google

Baluka calls itself a 'gurmansky svet' that will 'delight your taste buds', but it's nothing more than the most basic Czech food that is overpriced and of mediocre quality. Colosseum pizza that was there before was better and had much more variety. Baluka claims to serve seasonal recipes but I haven't really seen any substantial changes to the menu since they opened. Thanks for adding pizzas, though. Overall, I don't mean to say that this restaurant is bad, but it definitely does not live up to the expectations that I, as a customer, got from their marketing that was all over Luka.
Antonín Pikora on Google

Very nice and clean place. Food was just perfect served by friendly staff. I'll definitely come back next time I'll be in this area.
Salam Kedan on Google

Amazing food and best customer service! I would recommend trying Svíčková with the special gingerbread dumplings.

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