Bekaert Deslee

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bekaert Deslee

Address :

1, Lipová 622, 352 01 Aš, Czechia

Categories :
City :

1, Lipová 622, 352 01 Aš, Czechia
Jakub Bureš on Google

Marie Lojdová on Google

Libor Řezáč on Google

Fabrika vyrábějící potahy na matrace
Fabric producing mattress covers
Leonid Palash on Google

Нет указателей как проехать. А так в общем персонал приятный.
There are no directions to get there. And so in general the staff is nice.
Александр Гребенюк on Google

4 часа ждал загрузку и ещё 2 часа грузили!
I waited 4 hours for loading and another 2 hours for loading!
Сергей Бодю on Google

Если не знаешь где находится, можно не найти. Со стороны въезд вообще не заметен. В экспедиции могут помотать нервы. Но грузчики нормальные, выгружают быстро.
If you don't know where it is, you may not find it. From the outside, the entrance is not noticeable at all. They can be nerve-wracking on an expedition. But the movers are normal, they unload quickly.
Kirov Mitko on Google

По пристигнувањето веднаш заземате рампа и времето на истоварот зависи од товарот што го носите, ако целот е на палети за 30 минути сте готов.Место за пауза нема. Пријатен персонал. ??
Upon arrival you immediately take the ramp and the unloading time depends on the load you carry, if the whole is on pallets for 30 minutes you are ready. There is no place for a break. Pleasant staff. ??
Hippies DW on Google

Zero oznaczenia z głównej drogi , jadąc od Cheba na rondzie w lewo do literki T i w lewo i od razu w prawo , po lewej ręce między budynkami jest wjazd do firmy . Nie wyglada to najlepiej , ale śmiało tam kręcić . Szybki rozładunek , ciężki podjazd pod rampę nr 2, nie mam pojęcia co projektant miał na myśli . Ludzie mili . Chętnie tam znowu zawitam .
Zero sign from the main road, going from Cheb at the roundabout, turn left to the letter T and left and immediately right, on the left hand between the buildings is the entrance to the company. It's not looking very good, but go ahead and shoot there. Fast unloading, heavy drive up to ramp no.2, I have no idea what the designer meant. Nice people. I would love to visit there again.

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