BENU - Rorejcova 906

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BENU

Address :

Rorejcova 906, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 280
Website :
Categories :
City : Kolín

Rorejcova 906, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
Oleg Gutovski on Google

Быстро! Удобно! Доступность!!!
Fast! Conveniently! Availability!!!
Maty Tv on Google

Tahle lékárna ne nijak moc nepřekvapila.
This pharmacy was not surprising.
David Šembi on Google

Mate na googlu spatne oteviracku. V sobotu jsem mel cestu v 8 rano zbytecnou. Zmente si to. Diky
You have a bad opener on Google. On Saturday I had a road at 8 in the morning unnecessary. Change it. Thanks
Jiřina Hyršlová on Google

Neochotná, arogantní obsluha. Naštěstí je v Kolíně možnost vybrat si jinou lékárnu.
Reluctant, arrogant attendant. Fortunately, there is a possibility to choose another pharmacy in Cologne.
Tomáš Malý on Google

Velký výběr, vše přehladně rozdělené. Zaměstnanci vždy rádi poradí.
Large selection, all clearly divided. Employees are always happy to advise.
Adam HHH on Google

Byl jsem tam pro kapky s vitaminem D. Bylo mi receno ze je vypadek dodavek a za do ledna v CR nebudou a ze posledni melo v lekarne v tescu. Hned v druhe lekarne kam jsem sel je meli a o nicem takovem nevedeli. Este ze jsem jim neveril
I was there for drops with vitamin D. I was told that there is a supply failure and they will not be in the Czech Republic until January and that the last one was in the pharmacy in Tesco. They had them in the second pharmacy where I went and they didn't know anything like that. Este I didn't trust them
alexandr on Google

Velký výběr ale velmi nepříjemné a nevstřícné prodavačky. Dávám 2 hvězdy kvůli prodavačkám.
Large selection but very annoying and unfriendly saleswoman. I give 2 stars because of the saleswomen.
Jan Valcik on Google

Visiting regularly and always experience friendly staff trying to help and advise. E-shop pick up works very well.

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