BETTER WORK Ltd. - Služeb 3056/4

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Zaregistrujte se na naší bezplatné lince 800 197 197. Společně vybereme pracovní nabídku, která Vám bude nejvíce vyhovovat a pozveme Vás na osobní pohovor na naší pobočku.

Na naší pobočce se setkáte s naším koordinátorem, který Vás detailně seznámí s pracovní nabídkou a můžete se domluvit na možnostech nástupu do zaměstnání.

Contact BETTER WORK Ltd.

Address :

Služeb 3056/4, 108 00 Strašnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 108
Website :
Categories :
City : Strašnice

Služeb 3056/4, 108 00 Strašnice, Czechia
Kdebolo Tambolo on Google

Za celí odpracovaný mesiac mat viplatu 12.000 korun přitom zmluva má mesacnu mzdu 23.000 myslím si že každý rozumný člověk ukončí pracovnu zmluvu ale určitě sa najdu aj taky ktorym to sedí , držím vám palce lepší práce len aby z vás klamstva neurobili psance
For the whole month worked viplatu 12,000 crowns while the contract has a monthly salary of 23,000 I think that every reasonable person will terminate the employment contract but I will certainly find the way it fits, I keep you thumbs better work just to make you lie
Jiří Hahn on Google

Personální agentura, která zprostředkovává zaměstnání. Mohu kladně hodnotit.
Freezy on Google

Chování těch zaměstnanců byla dobrá, ale prostředí ? špinavé jak u nějakých feťáků s prominutím a upřímně pokud vám nevadí každé brzké ráno dojíždění tak ok. Budova vypadala jak z dob válek a nebo jak stará nemocnice pro mentálně postižené. Děkuji. (Outlast IRL)
The behavior of those employees was good, but the environment? dirty as with some junkies with forgiveness and honestly if you don't mind every early morning commute so ok. The building looked like a time of war or an old hospital for the mentally handicapped. Thank you. (Outlast IRL)

This is the place where I got my first job in prague
tomo tomo on Google

This company pays the money promised if you dont skip work. Downside is accomodation they provide is terrible and far from work they provide
SunInYour Eyes (Plays) on Google

They smoke on the stairs outside their office floor 2. Waiting room had 3 chairs and that's it. Otherwise the staff was competent
Neo Matrix on Google

Recruiter office. Fast way to get yourself a low paying job while looking for an opportunity. But the work is fine. Check it out.
Ro Wins on Google

We visit in Lepši pracé for interview. Many Job Agency awaits for you. The orientation there took only an hour good for discussing the company profile, the benefits package and the job description. The good thing was, they offers accommodation discount, food discount and more if already an employee. Yes, Its a Better Work. Because they not only hired for Czech Citizen but also they are opened for any nationality who could speak an english language. They don’t matter about the races they believe that everyone is a unique individual and also capable of doing the job right for the right job for them. They also guided you along the way. From hiring process until successfully hired. And good thing was they have advance training for anyone who’s willing to level up their career and jump into promotion. Don’t forget to turn on your google map. It could help a lot for you. We took the ? subway and the ? tram going there and took a little walk.

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