Bluestars Home

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bluestars Home

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Vančurova 265/19, Stará Role, 360 17 Karlovy Vary, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
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City : Karlovy Vary

Vančurova 265/19, Stará Role, 360 17 Karlovy Vary, Czechia
David Havránek on Google

Fotky absolutně neodpovídají skutečnosti po příjezdu jsme byli nemile překvapeni jak moc hrůzostrašné to tam je. Špinavé povlečení a bordel kam se podíváte, skoro každá věc nefunkční nebo nějakým způsobem rozbitá. Příště raději připlatím a vyhnu se tomuto domu hrůzy velkým obloukem!!!
The photos absolutely do not correspond to the facts after arrival we were unpleasantly surprised at how scary it is. Dirty sheets and mess wherever you look, almost every thing broken or broken in some way. Next time I prefer to pay extra and avoid this house of horrors with a big arch !!!
Evgeniya Guk on Google

Tragické! Neskutečná majitelka, arogantní, neschopná přiznat svou vinu. Pokud upozorníte na nedostatky, tak hned vás osočuje. Jak píší recenze přede mnou ,, dům hrůzy” Již nikdy! 3 týdny čekáme na fakturu, doteď jsme nedostali, i když jsme urgovali již 11x. KATASTROFA, měly by to zavřít!
Tragic! Unreal owner, arrogant, unable to admit her guilt. If you point out shortcomings, it immediately accuses you. As the reviews in front of me write, "House of Horrors" Never again! We have been waiting for an invoice for 3 weeks, so far we have not received it, even though we have urged it 11 times already. DISASTER, they should close it!
Dominik Hampl on Google

Nevím, čím bych začal, ale asi tím, že v apartmánu byly celkem tak tři normální skleničky. Dále nahoře v podkroví natípané cigarety uvnitř nočního stolku, špína, nefunkční polovina věcí, např. lednice a nebo televize. Pokojská nepříjemná bába co si ani nenechá nic vysvětlit a ihned chce volat policii. Z bytu nás vyhodili :)
I don't know what to start with, but probably because there were three normal glasses in the apartment. Further upstairs in the attic, cigarettes inside the bedside table, dirt, a non-functional half of things, such as a refrigerator or a television. The roommate is an unpleasant grandmother who doesn't even want to explain anything and immediately wants to call the police. They kicked us out of the apartment :)
Kristýna S. on Google

O komfortním ubytování, příjemném a čistém prostředí, jak prezentují, se nedá ani mluvit. Fotky na webech byly zřejmě pořízeny ihned po otevření, protože se naprosto neshodují s realitou. Bylo to příšerné! Všude špína (vlasy na podlaze, kobercích, pavučiny, prach), rozbitá televize (chyběl celý roh), rozbité lampičky na nočních stolcích.. o čistotě v koupelně ani nemluvím. Jediné kladné, že bylo čistě povlečeno. A přístup paní majitelky? V popisu uvádí, že se můžete těšit na milou paní majitelku a že poskytují nadstandardní služby :D Tak milá paní majitelka, když jsme se pokoušeli řešit problém v půl 10 večer s nefunkčním trezorem a nemohli se tak dostat na apartmán, se neobtěžovala reagovat na naše prosebné zprávy ani telefonáty. Uvedena tři čísla, ani jedno nereagovalo. Až po té, co jsme zavolali zámečníka a informovali další sms paní majitelku, že nám nezbývá nic jiného než odvrtat zámek na dveřích, abychom se dostali na pokoj, nám suše odpověděla, že nám přijde někdo trezor otevřít (podotýkám, že zámečník nám řekl, že tento typ malých trezorů přestane fungovat z důvodu vybité baterie). Ve čtvrt na 11 přišla paní uklízečka, která nám ještě div nevynadala, že je to naše chyba, protože s tím trezorem všichni ubytovaní mlátí a pak vypadnou baterie a trezor je proto nefunkční. No.. baterie byly vybité a přilepené izolepou, takže zřejmě to nebylo poprvé, co tohle řešili. A druhý den nám paní majitelka napsala pouze sms, kdy opustíme apartmán. Že by se zajímala, jak to dopadlo, nebo se omluvila za nepříjemnosti? Prozákaznický přístup 0. Za ubytování bylo zaplaceno, takže co by se obtěžovala. Sečteno, podtrženo - NIKDY více.
You can't even talk about comfortable accommodation, a pleasant and clean environment, as they present. The photos on the websites were probably taken immediately after opening, because they do not completely coincide with reality. It was awful! Dirt everywhere (hair on the floor, carpets, cobwebs, dust), broken TV (the whole corner was missing), broken lamps on the bedside tables ... I'm not even talking about cleanliness in the bathroom. The only positive was that it was cleanly covered. And the approach of the owner? The description states that you can look forward to a nice lady owner and that they provide above-standard services: D So nice lady owner, when we tried to solve the problem at half past 10 in the evening with a broken safe and could not get to the apartment, she did not bother to respond to our pleading messages or phone calls. Three numbers listed, none of which responded. Only after we called the locksmith and informed another SMS owner that we had no choice but to drill the lock on the door to get to the room, did she dryly tell us that someone would come to open the safe for me (I note that the locksmith told us that this type of small safe will stop working due to a low battery). At 11 a.m., a cleaning lady came in. She wasn't surprised that it was our fault, because with the safe, everyone staying beaten and then the batteries fell out and the safe was therefore inoperable. Well ... the batteries were exhausted and taped, so it probably wasn't the first time they were dealing with this. And the next day the owner only wrote us an SMS when we leave the apartment. That she wondered how it turned out, or apologized for the inconvenience? Pro-customer approach 0. The accommodation was paid for, so what would bother. Bottom line - NEVER more.
Annie Hetflejšová on Google

Great! Everything except slow wifi was pretty good.
S on Google

Great host!
Valeriy H on Google

very dirty, everything is old, never going back

TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE, NEVER AGAIN!!! We never had such a BAD EXPERIENCE with apartments in Czech Republic. The owner does not speak English, that is OK, but you cannot just yell I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH but only german! and close the connection. We tried several times to communicate but with the same result. The parking is very limited and it was very difficult to squeeze in because the other cars ere not parked too close to each other. The apartment had no HOT WATER , so we could not make a shower. It was also very COLD in the apartment, so we could hardly sleep. The STAIRCASE which leads to the bedroom is VERY STEEP AND NARROW, no light over it, so it was REALLY DANGEROUS to climb it when we had to reach the bedroom. There was NO REGULAR COTTON BED COVER on the bed. So we had to sleep on some kind of velvet mattress cover. MORE THAN DISAPPOINTING, I WOULD SAY NOT ACCEPTABLE.

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