1.5/5 based on 2 reviews


Address :

Italská 2581/67, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777887
Website :
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Italská 2581/67, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Barbora M. on Google

Pokud nechcete přijít o peníze tak nedoporučuji! Zboží bylo objednáno, řádně ihned zaplaceno, v mailu bylo napsáno dodání 2 týdny - již je to 3. měsíc a nemám ani zboží ani peníze!!! Když se slečna zrovna uráčí odepsat tak to jsou pouze sliby jak již brzy bude zboží u mě ale pak zas ti ho po pěšině a totální ignorace! Nikdy víc!
If you do not want to lose money then I do not recommend! The goods were ordered, duly paid for immediately, delivery was written in the e-mail for 2 weeks - it is already the 3rd month and I have neither the goods nor the money !!! When the young lady decides to write off, these are only promises as soon as the goods will be with me, but then again on the footpath and total ignorance! Never more!
Zuzana Štenková on Google

Bohužiaľ nemôžem doporučiť. Podprsenka mala byť doručená do 14 dní, no reálne ju odoslali až po vyše mesiaci od objednania len skrz moje urgovanie cez sms (obj. 20.3., doručené 22.4.). Následne som zboží hneď ten deň vrátila (nesedelo a nevyzeralo ako na foto na stránkach) a dala im vedieť formou sms (mail uvedený na stránkach buď neexistuje, alebo z nejakého dôvodu nefunguje - opakovane sa mi vracal späť, že sa nepodarilo doručiť). Peniažky som obdržala znovu až po mesiaci od vrátenia objednávky po 3 urgovaniach. Nebyť toho neustáleho vypisovania sms bohvie či by som vôbec peniaze obdržala. 2 hviezdičky ale dávam za to, že paní je hrozne milá, nebyť toho žiaľ za celkový prístup by to bolo za nula. Verím, že do budúcna to vyšperkujete a nebude to pre ďalšieho nakupujúceho tak nepríjemné…
Unfortunately, I can not recommend. The bra was to be delivered within 14 days, but it was actually sent only after more than a month after ordering only through my urging via SMS (order 20.3., Delivered on 22.4.). Subsequently, I returned the goods that day (it did not sit and did not look like the photo on the site) and let them know in the form of an SMS (the e-mail listed on the site either does not exist or does not work for some reason - it repeatedly came back to me that it could not be delivered). I received the money again only one month after returning the order after 3 urgencies. Not to mention the constant writing of sms, whether I would receive the money at all. But I give 2 stars for the fact that the lady is very nice, if it weren't for the overall approach, it would be zero. I believe that you will embellish it in the future and it will not be so unpleasant for the next shopper…

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