Čajovna a kavárna "Na kopečku"

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Contact Čajovna a kavárna "Na kopečku"

Address :

Krásnolipská 290/26, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rumburk

Krásnolipská 290/26, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia
Monika Lampová on Google

Jan Kolar on Google

Herbert Schwarz on Google

Kdo chce najít klid a rozjímat v kulturním prostředí ať vstoupí. Bude mile překvapen ❤️
Who wants to find peace and meditate in the cultural environment should enter. He will be pleasantly surprised ❤️
Lenka Andršová on Google

Úžasný přístup, milá obsluha, výborný čaj a krásné místo
Amazing access, nice service, excellent tea and beautiful place
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostelík byl vystavěn mezi lety 1775-1778 z popudu rumburského felčara Antona Floriana Schossiga jako poděkování sv. Janovi Nepomuckému za šťastné překročení Rýna a návrat z války o rakouské dědictví. Stavitelem byl Josef Hoffmann z významné stavitelské rodiny Hoffmannů z Lipové. Brzy však byl objekt prodán a používán pro sekulární účely - jako sýpka, později dokonce jako výletní hostinec - z té doby pochází i přistavený domek. Roku 1861 dostali budovy darem němečtí evangelíci, kteří začali kostel opět používat k bohoslužebným účelům. Po odsunu sudetských Němců byl kostel roku 1946 předán Farnímu sboru Českobratrské církve evangelické, který ho dodnes využívá. Z přistaveného stavení vznikl „Domeček Na Kopečku“ - malá čajovna a prostor pro kulturní akce a výstavy. The church was built between 1775-1778 at the instigation of Rumburk healer Anton Florian Schossig as a thank to St. John of Nepomuk for the happy crossing of the Rhine river and returning from the war for the Austrian heritage. The builder was Josef Hoffmann from an important architectural family of Hoffmanns of Lipová. But soon the building was sold and used for secular usage - as a granary, and later even as a cruise inn - a detached house at the side of the church was build at that time. In 1861 the object was given to German Protestants, who began to use the church again for worship purposes. After the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans, the church was handed over to the Parish Choir of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in 1946, which still uses it. The side building houses a small tea room and space for cultural events and exhibitions.
The church was built between 1775 and 1778 on the initiative of the Rumburk magician Anton Florian Schossig as a thank you to St. Jan Nepomucký for his happy crossing of the Rhine and his return from the war for the Austrian heritage. The builder was Josef Hoffmann from the important Hoffmann family of builders from Lipová. Soon, however, the building was sold and used for secular purposes - as a granary, later even as a picnic inn - from that time comes the outbuilding. In 1861, the buildings were donated to German evangelicals, who began to use the church again for religious purposes. After the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans, the church was handed over to the Parish Congregation of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church in 1946, which still uses it today. The "Domeček Na Kopečku" was created from the added building - a small tea room and a space for cultural events and exhibitions. The church was built between 1775-1778 at the instigation of Rumburk healer Anton Florian Schossig as a thank to St. John of Nepomuk for the happy crossing of the Rhine river and returning from the war for the Austrian heritage. The builder was Josef Hoffmann from an important architectural family of Hoffmanns of Lipová. But soon the building was sold and used for secular usage - as a granary, and later even as a cruise inn - a detached house at the side of the church was build at that time. In 1861 the object was given to German Protestants, who began to use the church again for worship purposes. After the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans, the church was handed over to the Parish Choir of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren in 1946, which still uses it. The side building houses a small tea room and space for cultural events and exhibitions.
Ladislav Dančo on Google

Příjemné prostředí, vlídná obsluha.
Pleasant environment, friendly service.

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