Čajovna Svět - Krátká 1003/2

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Čajovna Svět

Address :

Krátká 1003/2, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 301
Website : https://www.facebook.com/cajovnasvet/
Categories :
City : Plzeň

Krátká 1003/2, 301 00 Plzeň 3, Czechia
Tomáš Náhlík on Google

Velmi pěkná Čajovna, o které zatím moc lidí neví. Mají tu velmi dobré čaje a celkem dobré dýmky, jako v každé správné čajovně. Jen škoda, že "kuřákům" je vyhrazena menší část čajovny. A mám pocit že během všech návštěv, kdy jsem tu byl, tak trvalo velmi dlouho, než nám byl donesen čaj který jsme si obědnali. Takže pokud vám vadí čekat, tak to raději zkuste jinde :)
Very nice Tea Room, which not many people know about yet. They have very good teas and pretty good pipes, as in any good tearoom. It's a pity that a smaller part of the tea room is reserved for "smokers". And I have a feeling that during all the visits I was here, it took a very long time before we were brought the tea we had. So if you don't mind waiting, you'd better try elsewhere :)
Jiří Pašek on Google

Skvělé prostředí, vtipná a velice milá obsluha, obrovský výběr všech možných čajů i zajímavých pokrmů a hlavně ta pohoda a klid... ?
Great environment, funny and very nice service, a huge selection of all possible teas and interesting dishes and especially the peace and quiet ... ?
Ivana Staňková on Google

Milá obsluha s příjemným vystupováním. Čisto, útulno, ráda se budu vracet.
Nice service with a pleasant demeanor. Clean, cozy, I'll be happy to return.
User Disconnected on Google

Musím uznat že sem chodím už nějakou dobu a tento podnik jsem si velice oblíbil. Velké plusy dávám ochotnému personálu, který dokáže poradit když jste začátečník. Široký sortiment čajů, moštů, jídel i vodních dýmek. Mínus je takový, že čajovna není úplně nejlépe umístěná a proto ostatní podniky vynikají více což je veliká škoda. Má to ale zase + a to takový, že se nemusíte obávat toho, že by zde nebylo místo. Podnik má velice zvláštní dekoraci a proto vyniká nad ostatními. Pokud jste poblíž, rozhodně doporučuji navštívit. :)
I have to admit that I have been coming here for some time and I really liked this business. I give great pluses to the helpful staff who can advise you if you are a beginner. A wide range of teas, musts, meals and hookahs. The downside is that the teahouse is not the best located and therefore other companies excel more, which is a great pity. But it has + again, such that you don't have to worry about there being no place. The company has a very special decoration and therefore stands out above the others. If you are nearby, I definitely recommend visiting. :)
Anett on Google

Really cool place to enjoy a wonderful tea, water pipes and something to eat. Large selection of everything, famously described the various menus, nice and courteous service. Really worth a visit!
Anh Tú Ngô on Google

There are many types of tea, but I recommend coconut tea ... a suitable place for dating, group chat.
Zdeněk Katera (Kotel The Dragon) on Google

It was an amazing experience. Atmosphere is awesome and so friendly and you can't feel no stress at all. Prices are very good and quite cheap. There are also a lot of tea types. Shishas are also great and with a lot of different tobacco. The quality and quantity is okay. I highly recommend this place if you are into tearooms and you want to spend time with your friends or family in relaxed environments. :)
Ian LeViness on Google

My favorite haunt in all of Pilsen. Try the Moroccan Mint tea or Rooibos or if you’re more adventurous, one of the special teas like those with Chocolate. They have allergens written on their menu and it’s often best to err on arriving in the late afternoon/early evening rather than between 19-22 pm

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