Catalyst Teambuilding

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Catalyst Teambuilding

Address :

Spojovací 24, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777799
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Spojovací 24, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia
Tanja Libtety on Google

Martina Ptackova on Google

Skvela spoluprace, prijemny kolektiv a profesionalni pristup!
Great cooperation, pleasant team and professional approach!
Petra Blahníková on Google

Naše společnost každoročně pořádá bujarý vánoční večírek, ale současná korona krize nám překazila plány, proto jsme přemýšleli, jakou společnou aktivitou zakončit rok. Obrátili jsme se na společnost CATALYST CZECH REPUBLIC a udělali jsme dobře :-). Naše zaměstnance jsme potěšili online teambuildingovou vánoční hrou, kterou hráli z bezpečí svých kanceláří nebo domovů a skvěle připravenou hru si náležitě užili. Taktéž komunikace s poskytovatelem hry byla na jedničku a už nyní se těšíme na další podobnou aktivitu od CATALYST CZECH REPUBLIC.
Our company holds a boisterous Christmas party every year, but the current crown of the crisis has thwarted our plans, so we were thinking about what joint activity to end the year. We turned to CATALYST CZECH REPUBLIC and did well :-). We delighted our employees with an online teambuilding Christmas game, which they played from the safety of their offices or homes and enjoyed a well-prepared game. Also, communication with the game provider was number one and we are already looking forward to another similar activity from CATALYST CZECH REPUBLIC.
Katerina Matlova on Google

Spolu s Catalyst jsme v rámci teambuildingové akce sázeli stromy. Vše bylo perfektně připraveno. Jen nás trochu zradila technika, když v dané lokalitě nebyl signál, hru spojenou se sázením to trochu ochudilo.
Together with Catalyst, we planted trees as part of a teambuilding event. Everything was perfectly prepared. We were only a little betrayed by the technology, when there was no signal in the given locality, it made the game connected with betting a bit poorer.
Andrea Hermová on Google

Pro naši online konferenci jsme hledali večerní program a s Catalyst Teambuilding jsme byli schopni ve velmi krátkém čase zorganizovat tři souběžně běžící hry, které byly naplánované pro 250 účastníků. Velmi si cením profesionálního přístupu, široké nabídky aktivit a flexibility organizátorů. Pro naše další konference a online akce zvažujeme i využití jejich 3D platformy.
We were looking for an evening program for our online conference, and with Catalyst Teambuilding we were able to organize three concurrent games in a very short time, which were scheduled for 250 participants. I really appreciate the professional approach, the wide range of activities and the flexibility of the organizers. For our other conferences and online events, we are also considering the use of their 3D platform.
Marek Farkas on Google

We were very satisfied with the services, thank you.
Iv B on Google

Catalyst team responds quickly to requirements, very quickly find an adequate solution and quickly adapt to needs ( we had 10 business units with different IT constraints and they managed to aligned all ).
Marek Baloun on Google

Great experience from the very first contact till the very end. We as Generali CEE Holding were preparing for the first time in our history a 3D conference for 350 participants from 10 CEE countries. Thanks to Catalyst we made it and it was a big success. We very appreciate the professional way of preparing the event, huge flexibility and permanent availability of the Catalyst team head by Jakub Škorík. Thank you very much and we are looking forward to the next common event!

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