Center for training guide dogs - SONS ČR

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Center for training guide dogs - SONS ČR

Address :

Klikatá 613, 158 00 Praha 5-Jinonice, Czechia

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Categories :
City : Praha 5 Jinonice

Klikatá 613, 158 00 Praha 5-Jinonice, Czechia
Stanislav Kaupis on Google

Jiřina Urbánková on Google

Super lidi
Super stick
Markéta Musilová on Google

Super počin
Super act
Veronika Schovánková on Google

Plno pejsků kolem:) Děláte super práci!
Lots of dogs around :) You do a great job!
Pavel Ovesný on Google

Profíci, kteří rozumějí svojí práci.
Professionals who understand their work.
Pavel Hric on Google

Protože jsou tam přece nejlepší přáte lidi
Because there are the best people you want
Ondřej Vojtěch on Google

Sympatická průvodkyně začínajících predvychovatelu. Báječná štěňata.
A nice guide for beginning preachers. Wonderful puppies.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Středisko výcviku vodicích psů je součástí Sjednocené organizace nevidomých a slabozrakých (SONS). Dále je členem Mezinárodní federace vodicích psů (International Guide Dog Federation) se sídlem ve Velké Británii a s působností ve vyspělých zemích celého světa. Zabývá se výcvikem vodicích psů pro zrakově postižené. Pro službu nevidomým jsou vybíráni vhodní jedinci z plemen Labradorský retriever, Zlatý retriever, v menší míře Německý ovčák a Americko kanadský bílý ovčák. Zůčastnit se dne otevřených dveří bylo celkem emotivní záležitost. Zažité úsloví o nejlepším příteli člověka by tu mohlo být doslova vytesáno do zdí. Vděčnost, ochota, láska, hravost se divoce mísí v pohledu každého jednotlivého psa. Klobouk dolů před zdejšími cvičiteli i celou organizací! Koho by zajímalo víc, neváhejte a běžte na stránky Jako laik jsem vůbec netušil, jak náročná výchova a tréning jsou a kolik energie, času a trpělivosti vyžadují. The Dog Training Center is part of the United Organization of Blind and Visually Impaired (SONS). It is also a member of the International Guide Dog Federation, based in the United Kingdom, with a presence in developed countries around the world. It deals with the training of guide dogs for the visually impaired. For service to blind people are selected suitable breed Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, to a lesser extent German Shepherd Dog and American Canadian White Shepherd Dog. To take part in the day of the open door was pretty emotional. A proverb about the best friend of a man could be literally carved here into the walls everywhere! Gratitude, willingness, love, playfulness mix wildly in the view of each individual dog. Hat down the local trainers and the whole organization! Who would care more, do not hesitate and go to As a layman, I did not even know how demanding the education and training is and how much energy, patience and time it requires.
The Guide Dog Training Center is part of the United Organization of the Blind and Visually Impaired (SONS). He is also a member of the International Guide Dog Federation, based in the United Kingdom and operating in developed countries around the world. It deals with the training of guide dogs for the visually impaired. Suitable individuals from the breeds Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, to a lesser extent German Shepherd and American Canadian White Shepherd are selected for service to the blind. Attending an open day was quite an emotional affair. The familiar saying about a man's best friend could literally be carved into the walls. Gratitude, willingness, love, playfulness mix wildly in the eyes of each individual dog. Hats off to the local trainers and the whole organization! If you are interested in more, do not hesitate and go to the website As a layman, I had no idea how demanding education and training were and how much energy, time and patience they required. The Dog Training Center is part of the United Organization of Blind and Visually Impaired (SONS). It is also a member of the International Guide Dog Federation, based in the United Kingdom, with a presence in developed countries around the world. It deals with the training of guide dogs for the visually impaired. For service to blind people are selected suitable breed Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, to a lesser extent German Shepherd Dog and American Canadian White Shepherd Dog. To take part in the day of the open door was pretty emotional. A proverb about the best friend of a man could be literally carved here into the walls everywhere! Gratitude, willingness, love, playfulness mix wildly in the view of each individual dog. Hat down the local trainers and the whole organization! Who would care more, do not hesitate and go to As a layman, I did not even know how demanding the education and training is and how much energy, patience and time it requires.

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