Česká pošta

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Česká pošta

Address :

Františka Nohy 1096/3, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +98
Website : https://www.postaonline.cz/detail-pobocky/-/pobocky/detail/40801
Categories :
City : Rumburk

Františka Nohy 1096/3, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia
Carl Carlssonn on Google

Neochota, špatné služby, prostě Pošta
Reluctance, poor service, just the Post Office
Cleos Welt on Google

Also von aussen sieht die Post schon gut aus??aber innen ist es eine Katastrophe? da sah es früher (schon ein paar Jahre her) besser aus! ??
So from the outside the post looks good, but inside it is a disaster, since it looked better in the past (already a few years ago)! ??
Radka Fajferova on Google

Dnes čekám na dopis celý den pak ve schránce nezastižen hrůza?
Today I am waiting for a letter all day then untouched in the mailbox
Elizabeth on Google

děs běs, fronty až hrůza, nešťastný lístkový systém, kde jsem teoreticky pátá ale prakticky dvacátá, funkční 2-3 okénka ze šesti,to už musí být že jsou otevřená všechny, asi jsem to ani nezažila, doručovatelky vhazují rovnou lístky do schránky aniž by zazvonili, né vždy ale velmi často....atd.
Terror, queue to horror, unfortunate ticket system, where I theoretically fifth but practically twentieth, functional 2-3 windows of six, it must be that they are all open, I probably did not experience it, delivery throwers straight into the box without rang, but not always very often .... etc.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Rumburk byl prvním městem v širokém okolí, kde byla vybudována jedna z prvních c.k. poštovních stanic v tehdejším Rakousku – Uhersku. Stalo se tak 1. srpna 1777 z popudu velkoobchodníka Antona Salamona. V roce 1802 byl Rumburk jedním z 95 českých měst vybavených poštovní stanicí a sběrnou zásilek. V roce 1880 se zdejší pošta, nejstarší ve Šluknovském výběžku, spojila s telegrafním úřadem a v roce 1892 byly její služby rozšířeny o telefon. Historická budova Poštovního úřadu v Rumburku byla zbudovaná v letech 1903 až 1904. Původní budova Poštovního úřadu v Rumburku byla v Radniční ulici, ale v roce 1904 se přestěhovala do nově vybudované budovy v tehdejší Rudolfově ulici, dnešní ulici Františka Nohy, která více vyhovovala masivnímu nárůstu poptávky po jejích službách. Rumburk was the first town in a wide area, where one of the first post offices in the then Austria - Hungary was built. It happened on 1 August 1777 at the initiative of the wholesaler Anton Salamon. In 1802, Rumburk was one of 95 Czech towns equipped with a post station and a shipment center. In 1880, the local post office, the oldest in Šluknov area, merged with the telegraph office, and in 1892 its services were extended by telephone. The historical post office building in Rumburk was built between 1903 and 1904. The original post office building in Rumburk was in Radniční Street, but in 1904 it moved to a newly built object in the then Rudolfova Street, today's František Noha Street, which was more suitable demand for its services.
Rumburk was the first town in the wider area where one of the first c.k. post offices in what was then Austria-Hungary. It happened on August 1, 1777 at the instigation of wholesaler Anton Salamon. In 1802, Rumburk was one of 95 Czech towns equipped with a post office and a collection point. In 1880, the local post office, the oldest in the Šluknov foothills, merged with the telegraph office, and in 1892 its services were expanded to include a telephone. The historic Post Office building in Rumburk was built between 1903 and 1904. The original Post Office building in Rumburk was in Radniční Street, but in 1904 it moved to a newly built building in what was then Rudolfova Street, today's František Noha Street, which was more suitable for massive growth. demand for its services. Rumburk was the first town in a wide area, where one of the first post offices in the then Austria - Hungary was built. It happened on 1 August 1777 at the initiative of the wholesaler Anton Salamon. In 1802, Rumburk was one of 95 Czech towns equipped with a post station and a shipment center. In 1880, the local post office, the oldest in Šluknov area, merged with the telegraph office, and in 1892 its services were extended by telephone. The historical post office building in Rumburk was built between 1903 and 1904. The original post office building in Rumburk was in Radniční Street, but in 1904 it moved to a newly built object in the then Rudolfova Street, today's František Noha Street, which was more suitable demand for its services.
Hoang Anh Pham on Google

Poslední dobou se úroveň této pošty zvýšila. Rychlejší odběr, přidané židle na posezení při velkém návalu. Možnost zrychleného výdeje balíku na kód zaslané sms - otázka 1-3 minut.
Recently, this post has increased. Faster take-off, added chairs for sitting in a big swing. Possibility of speeding delivery of the package to the code sent by sms - question 1-3 minutes.
Lucie Průchová on Google

Absolutní tragédie. Na dopis čekám tři dny. Balík byl 3x nedoručen, i když sedím celý den doma a čekám a nakonec mi napíšou zprávu, že adresát nezastižen, přitom vidím, jak ten frajer s tím autem profrčel kolem. A dneska vrchol všeho. Nejdřív zpráva, že přijde balík ať čekáme a o tři hodiny později adresát nezastižen, pak přijede auto, že má balík a zjistí, že ho nemá, protože je moc velkej a ať si přijdem na poštu.
Absolute tragedy. I have been waiting for the letter for three days. The package was not delivered 3 times, even though I have been sitting at home all day waiting and in the end they will write me a message that the addressee was not found, and at the same time I see how the guy was walking around with the car. And today the top of everything. First we report that the package will arrive, and three hours later the addressee is not found, then the car arrives that he has the package and finds out that he doesn't have it, because it is too big and that I come to the post office.
Kerstin Valta on Google

Velmi nespokojená s doručováním doporučených psaní. Doručovatelka nezvoní, pouze vhodí do schránky potvrzení, že adresát byl nezastižen ?
Very dissatisfied with the delivery of recommended writing. The delivery person does not ring, she only puts a confirmation in the mailbox that the addressee has not been reached ?

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