Českým válečným letcům RAF 1939-1945

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Contact Českým válečným letcům RAF 1939-1945

Address :

Senovážné nám. 231, České Budějovice 6, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Senovážné nám. 231, České Budějovice 6, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia
Tudor Oxinte on Google

Ondrej Maly on Google

Docela se mi líbí
I really like it
Stanislava Šulcová on Google

Miroslav Kříž on Google

Památník neuctivý svým provedením i použitými materiály. Působí hodně lacině.
The memorial is irreverent in its design and used materials. It works very cheaply.
Jaroslav Klíma on Google

Naprostá prasárna, Je fajn že maj letci pomník, ale toto je opravdu katastrofální provedení navíc z naprosto podřadných materiálů. Je to ostuda města. Jedna z mnoho.
Absolute pig, It's good to have a flyer memorial, but this is a really catastrophic addition of utterly inferior materials. It's a shame on the city. One of many.
Marcel LÝSEK on Google

Úcta, nikoli za každou cenu. Samotný pomník není příliš nápaditý (nebylo zřejmě z čeho vybírat), podtrženo materiálem. Letadlo z nějakého plastu, jako z levného kajaku (holt taková je asi doba). Vrtule humpolácky poslepovaná, zřejmě původně poničená nějakým gaunerem. Na podstavci nepatřičné zvěčnění reklamních agentur, donátorů a kdo ví koho ještě. Spíše ostuda. Snad nadejde doba, kdy bude letadlo z bronzu, prosté všech dalších zbytečnosti - hrdinům se za tuto zoufalost omlouvám.
Respect, not at all costs. The monument itself is not very imaginative (there was probably nothing to choose from), underlined by the material. An airplane made of some plastic, like a cheap kayak (holt is probably the time). The propeller blindly blinded, apparently originally damaged by some crook. On the pedestal improper perpetuation of advertising agencies, donors and who knows who else. Rather a disgrace. Perhaps the time will come when the plane will be made of bronze, free of all other uselessness - I apologize to the heroes for this despair.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hmm, zvláštní to materiál, ale chápu důvod - úspora financí. Památník českobudějovickým letcům, kteří zahynuli v bitvě o Británii, vytvořil Vladimír Vopalecký - synovec jednoho z pilotů - a přípravy mu zabraly pět let. Kamenný podstavec s upevněným modelem stíhačky Spitfire nese desku se čtyřmi jmény mladých pilotů z Českých Budějovic, kteří zahynuli ve stíhačkách. U pomníku je zalitý v betonu duralový úlomek letadla, se kterým havaroval 14. září 1940 František Marek, vůbec první Budějovičan, který v bitvě zahynul. Pomník byl vystaven na místě pronajatém od pošty v roce 2015. Pravě na modelu letadla se ušetřilo - původně měl být z bronzu, ale je ze sklolaminátu. Well, the material looks strange when you come closer, but I understand the reason - saving the cost. A memorial to the Czech-Buddhist fighters who died in the Battle of Britain was created by Vladimir Vopalecký - the nephew of one of the pilots - and his preparations took five years. Stone pedestal with mounted Spitfire fighter model carries a plate with four names of young pilots from České Budějovice who died in fighters. At the monument there is a duralumin fragment of the aircraft, which crashed on September 14, 1940 with František Marek, the first Budějovice inhabitant, who died in the battle. The money were saved on the plane model (besides other things) - originally it should be made of bronze but the fiberglass was used.
Hmm, it's weird material, but I understand the reason - saving money. The memorial was created by Vladimír Vopalecký - the nephew of one of the pilots - and the preparations took him five years. The stone pedestal with a fixed model of the Spitfire fighter bears a plate with four names of young pilots from České Budějovice who perished in the fighters. At the monument is a concrete duralumin fragment of an airplane, which František Marek, the first Budweiser to die in battle, crashed on September 14, 1940. The monument was erected at a place rented from the post office in 2015. It was saved on the model aircraft - it was originally supposed to be made of bronze, but it is made of fiberglass. Well, the material looks strange when you come closer, but I understand the reason - saving the cost. A memorial to the Czech-Buddhist fighters who died in the Battle of Britain was created by Vladimir Vopalecký - the nephew of one of the pilots - and his preparations took five years. Stone pedestal with mounted Spitfire fighter model carries a plate with four names of young pilots from České Budějovice who died in fighters. At the monument there is a duralumin fragment of the aircraft, which crashed on September 14, 1940 with František Marek, the first Budějovice inhabitant, who died in the battle. The money were saved on the plane model (besides other things) - originally it should be made of bronze but the fiberglass was used.
Dominika Trösterová on Google

Provedení mohlo být lepší, to je pravda. Na druhou stranu je důležité nezapomenout, co se stalo.
The design could have been better, that's true. On the other hand, it is important not to forget what happened.

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