Chlumec nad Cidlinou

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chlumec nad Cidlinou

Address :

503 51

Categories :
City : Chlumec nad Cidlinou

503 51
BOHEMIAFILM (Film production) on Google

Ladislav Šoltys (beran25) on Google

Ničím nevynikající nádraží, běžný standart.
Nothing remarkable station, standard standard.
Jiří Zeman on Google

Škoda uzavřené nádražní restaurace. Ta byla naprosto TOP.
Skoda closed railway station. It was absolutely TOP.
Jiří Macháček on Google

Přestupní stanice, kterou čeká rekonstrukce
Transfer station awaiting reconstruction
Zuzana Hlaváčková on Google

V létě je tu krásně, v zimě trochu smutno
It is beautiful in summer and a little sad in winter
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Železniční stanice leží na tratích 020, 040 a 062. Byla vybudována jakožto součást odbočné trati Rakouské severozápadní dráhy spojující Vídeň a Berlín, autorem univerzalizované podoby stanic pro celou dráhu byl architekt Carl Schlimp. První vlak přijel do Chlumce 20. prosince 1870. V roce 1964 byla stanice necitelně přestavěna a omítnuta, provoz elektrické trakce byl zahájen 6. ledna 1966. Před staniční budovou je umístěno městské autobusové nádraží. The railway station is located on lines 020, 040 and 062. It was built as part of a branch line of the Austrian Northwest Railroad linking Vienna and Berlin, the author of the universalized station design for the entire track was architect Carl Schlimp. The first train arrived in Chlumec on December 20, 1870. In 1964 the station was considerably rebuilt and plastered, the electric traction operation started on January 6, 1966. The city bus station is located in front of the station building.
The railway station is located on lines 020, 040 and 062. It was built as part of the branch line of the Austrian Northwestern Railway connecting Vienna and Berlin, the author of the universalized form of the stations for the entire railway was the architect Carl Schlimp. The first train arrived in Chlumec on December 20, 1870. In 1964, the station was imperceptibly rebuilt and plastered, and electric traction operation began on January 6, 1966. The city bus station is located in front of the station building. The railway station is located on lines 020, 040 and 062. It was built as part of a branch line of the Austrian Northwest Railroad linking Vienna and Berlin, the author of the universalized station design for the entire track was architect Carl Schlimp. The first train arrived in Chlumec on December 20, 1870. In 1964 the station was consideredably rebuilt and plastered, the electric traction operation started on January 6, 1966. The city bus station is located in front of the station building.
VJ PleiOné on Google

Pokaždé, když jsem přestupoval v Chlumci, měla pokladna zavřeno. Kupují ve vlaku a poprvé mi průvodčí napočítal přirážku. Tvrdil mi, že pokladna je otevřená, přitom jsem šel okolo a bylo zavřeno. Tak se nějak domluvte, nechci platit přirážku jenom proto, že v tom má ČD bordel.
Every time I moved to Chlumec, the cash register was closed. They buy on the train and for the first time the guide calculated my surcharge. He told me that the cash register was open, while I walked around and it was closed. So make an agreement, I don't want to pay a surcharge just because ČD has a mess.
Otto Horný on Google

Nádraží ČD, které plní svou funkci, ale jinak mne nezaujalo.
ČD railway station, which fulfills its function, but otherwise did not interest me.

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