Chřibský hrádek - Chřibský hrádek

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chřibský hrádek

Address :

407 47 Dolní Chřibská, Czechia

Postal code : 407
Categories :
City : Dolní Chřibská

407 47 Dolní Chřibská, Czechia
Irena Vlasáková on Google

Podle slov pána v pokladně - je tam díra 3x4 metry:-) Ale krásný výlet
In the words of the master at the box office - there is a 3x4 meter hole :-) But a beautiful trip
Petr Šimek on Google

S dětmi pěkná procházka ale nepříliš bezpečno. Zajímavé je že o hrádku se ví velmi málo :) což simek lze přečíst ca 500m od hrádku u silnice.
Nice walk with the children but not very safe. It is interesting that very little is known about the castle :) which simek can be read about 500m from the castle by the road.
Rostislav Jakub Krause on Google

Pozůstatky hrádku "vydlabaného" ve skále. Od silnice by člověk ani neřek, že tady něco je. Nevšiml jsem si ani žádného označení,že by se zde něco nacházelo. Přístup trochu obtížný,ale je to hezké místo kam stojí za to vyjít.
Remains of a castle "carved" in the rock. From the road, one would not even say that there is something here. I didn't even notice any indication that there was anything here. Access a bit difficult, but it's a nice place worth going out.
Jana Novakova on Google

Na hrádek je náročnější výstup,určitě se tam nedostanou lidí s kočárkem
The ascent to the castle is more difficult, people with a pram will definitely not get there
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Chřibský hrádek je jeden ze zajímavých skalních hrádků, které jsou typickými historickými stavbami Českého Švýcarska a Lužických hor. Byl pravděpodobně založen ve 14. století rodem Michalovců a stejně jako další hrady v kraji i tento byl postaven k ochranným účelům obchodníků směřující do blízké Lužice. Poté pravděpodobně býval sídlem soudního úředníka z Chřibské, který měla na vrchu Spravedlnost před rokem 1579 popraviště. Patrně zanikl v 15. století, protože nebyl nijak zvlášť opevněn. Je možné, že byl opuštěn posádkou bez boje. Stopy, které byly nalezeny dokazují, že byl zničen ohněm. Mohlo se tak stát v době husitské kolem roku 1425 nebo při výpravě lužického Šestiměstí na Kamenici a Českou Lípu v roce 1440. The basements of Chřibský castle are one of the interesting rock castles that formed typical settlements of the ancient Bohemian Switzerland and the Lužické Mountains. It was probably founded in the 14th century by the Michalovci family and, as well as other castles in the region, it was built for the protective purposes of merchants heading for the nearby Lužice. Then it was probably the seat of a court officer from Chřibská, who took care about the executions happening on the nearby Justice hill (Spravedlnost mountain - direction from Chřibská to Doubice village) before the 1579. It probably disappeared in the 15th century because it was not particularly fortified. It is possible that he was abandoned by the crew without a fight. The traces that have been found prove that it was destroyed by fire. It could have happened during the Hussite period around 1425 or during the expedition of Lužické Šestiměstí in Kamenice and Česká Lípa in 1440.
Chřibský hrádek is one of the interesting rock castles, which are typical historical buildings of Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains. It was probably founded in the 14th century by the Michalovce family and, like other castles in the region, it was built for the protective purposes of merchants heading to nearby Lusatia. After that, it was probably the seat of a court clerk from Chřibská, who had an execution site on the Spravedlnost hill before 1579. It probably disappeared in the 15th century because it was not particularly fortified. It is possible that he was left by the crew without a fight. Traces that have been found prove that it was destroyed by fire. This could have happened during the Hussite period around 1425 or during the expedition of the Lusatian Six Towns to Kamenice and Česká Lípa in 1440. The basements of Chřibský castle are one of the interesting rock castles that formed typical settlements of the ancient Bohemian Switzerland and the Lužické Mountains. It was probably founded in the 14th century by the Michalovci family and, as well as other castles in the region, it was built for the protective purposes of merchants heading for the nearby Lužice. Then it was probably the seat of a court officer from Chřibská, who took care about the executions happening on the nearby Justice hill (Spravedlnost mountain - direction from Chřibská to Doubice village) before the 1579. It probably disappeared in the 15th century because it was not particularly fortified. It is possible that he was abandoned by the crew without a fight. The traces that have been found prove that it was destroyed by fire. It could have happened during the Hussite period around 1425 or during the expedition of Lužické Šestiměstí in Kamenice and Česká Lípa in 1440.
Zdeněk Hulcer on Google

Jak díra na bazén i s místem pro filtraci. Teď vážně, příroda i místo jsou opravdu krásné a relativně dobře přístupné (pro vozíčkáře a kočárky asi moc né ,ale u hrádků tohoto typu byl při výstavbě bezbariérový přístup na seznamu priorit až někde hódně tam nebyl)
Both a hole in the pool and a place for filtration. Now seriously, the nature and the place are really beautiful and relatively well accessible (for wheelchairs and prams probably not much, but for castles of this type there was a barrier-free access on the list of priorities during the construction until there was not much)
Al Šejk on Google

Pozůstatek skalního hrádku, od silnice cca 400 metrů závěr je trochu do kopce. Je zde pozůstatek vytesaných základů hradní věže.
The remains of a rock castle, from the road about 400 meters the end is a little uphill. There is a remnant of the carved foundations of the castle tower.
Tereza Slavicinska on Google

Moc krásný skalní hrádek, ze zdola nic není vidět jen skála ale když dojdete nahoru tak je krásný výhled a vidět pozůstatky hrádku ?
Very beautiful rock castle, from the bottom nothing can be seen only the rock but when you go up there is a beautiful view and see the remains of the castle ?

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