Církev Římskokatolická - Farní Úřad Jince

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Contact Církev Římskokatolická - Farní Úřad Jince

Address :

Žižkova 20, 262 23 Jince, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +89
Categories :
City : Jince

Žižkova 20, 262 23 Jince, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Římskokatolická farnost Jince je jedno z územních společenství římských katolíků v příbramském vikariátu s farním kostelem sv. Mikuláše. Kromě něj pod farnost spadají ještě okolní kostely Nejsvětější Trojice v obci Hluboš a kostel Narození Panny Marie v obci Pičín. V kostele sv. Mikuláše v Jincích probíhají pravidelné bohoslužby ve stredu a pátek od 18.00 a v nedeli od 8.00. The Roman Catholic parish of Jince is one of the territorial communities of Roman Catholics in the vicarate of Příbram with the parish church of St. Nicholas. In addition, the parish includes the surrounding churches of the Holy Trinity in the village of Hluboš and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the village of Pičín. In St. Nicholas in Jince regular worship is held on Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 and Sunday from 8.00.
The Roman Catholic parish of Jince is one of the territorial communities of Roman Catholics in the vicarate of Příbram with the parish church of St. Nicholas. In addition, the parish includes the surrounding churches of the Holy Trinity in the village of Hluboš and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the village of Pičín. In St. Nicholas in Jinky are held regular worship on Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 and Sunday from 8.00. Roman Catholic parish of Jince is one of the territorial communities of Roman Catholics in the vicarate of Pribram with the parish church of St. John. Nicholas. In addition, the parish includes the surrounding churches of the Holy Trinity in the village of Hluboš and the Church of the Nativity of Virgin Mary in the village of Pičín. In St. Nicholas in Jince is a regular worship held on Wednesday and Friday from 18.00 and Sunday from 8.00.
Irena Kolackova on Google

Litinová socha Jana Nepomuckého z roku 1901 vyrobená v Komárovských železernách věnovaná Jincům. Původně barevná, dnes bohužel nabarvená na bílo.
Cast iron statue of Jan Nepomucký from 1901 made in Komárovské železárny dedicated to Jince. Originally colored, today unfortunately painted white.

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