CK GATTOM TOUR - Svornosti 86

4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Svornosti 86, 736 01 Havířov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 736
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Categories :
City : Havířov

Svornosti 86, 736 01 Havířov, Czechia
Miroslava Vudarčiková on Google

Super přístup. Bezva zájezd. Příjemný řidič.
Great approach. Great trip. Nice driver.
Sona Vendova on Google

Už několik dovolených autobusem do Chorvatska. Spokojenost. VELIKÁ!!
Already several bus holidays to Croatia. Satisfaction. GREAT !!
Lukáš Drobný on Google

Minulý rok jsme s přítelkyní jeli s touto CK do vídně na trhy a maximální spokojenost.
Last year, my girlfriend and I went with this travel agency to Vienna to the markets and maximum satisfaction.
Jana Klegová on Google

Přes tuto milou cestovku s milým panem. Majitelem jsem měla nejlepší a nejkrásnější dovči .... Děkuji ❤️
Through this nice trip with a nice gentleman. The owner had the best and most beautiful dovči .... Thank you ❤️
pan Recenze on Google

Dobry den. S touhle cestovkou jedeme poprve a naposled! Hruza a des. Z Havirova do Vidne se uz prave kodrcame 5 hodin a stale tam nejsme!!! Odjezd rano v sest hodin - odjezd v CK mozny “jen” od uradu, ale nakonec pristavoval i u vlakoveho. Autobus - mikrobus asi nastartovany 5 minut pred pristavenim, kosa jak z nosa, smrad z vyfuku, lidi celou cestu v bundach a cepicich. Ve chvili, kdy konecne zacalo byt trochu tepleji, tak zastavka na Rohlence. Ridic nezaviral dvere, tak zase po zastavce naprosta kosa. Zastavka mela trvat dvacet minut, ridic prisel po pul hodine, vsichni vymrznuti a stepujici pred autobusem... U Znojma dalsi zbytecna zastavka, po peti kilometrech zase dalsi pauza, zase otevrene dvere deset minut - kosa... ridic zmateny, kde se dobiji myto, apod... - TOHLE SE PRECE NEMA RESIT S TURISTY, ALE PRED CESTOU NA BENZINCE!!! Ted je pul jedenacte a teprve jsme pred Vidni. Ridic zase zmateny. Lidi tady uz uplne znechuceni... Totalni zklamani. UZ NIKDY VIC!
Good day. We are going with this journey for the first and last time! Horror and des. We have been barking from Havirov to Vienna for 5 hours and we are still not there !!! Departure in the morning at six o'clock - departure in the travel agency possible "only" from the office, but in the end he also arrived at the train station. Bus - minibus about 5 minutes before delivery, scythe both from the nose, the stench from the exhaust, people all the way in jackets and hats. The moment the apartment finally started to get a little warmer, the stop at Rohlence. The driver didn't close the door, so after the stop he was completely scythe. The stop was supposed to last twenty minutes, the driver arrived after half an hour, all frozen and stepping in front of the bus ... Another unnecessary stop near Znojmo, another pause after five kilometers, the door open again for ten minutes myto, etc ... - THIS WILL NOT BE RESIT WITH TOURISTS, BUT BEFORE THE TRIP TO THE PETROL !!! It's half past ten now and we're just ahead of Vienna. Ridic confused again. People here are completely disgusted ... Totally disappointed. NEVER MORE!
Adam Tesarcik on Google

Totalni katastrofa! Pan nize ma s cestou do Vidne uplnou pravdu - PAN MAJITEL RESI V ODPOVEDI BANALITY S NAZVEM MESTA NEBO JINYCH RECENZI, MISTO TOHO, ABY RADEJI ZPYTOVAL SVE SVEDOMI, JAK SE POLEPSIT! Jen bych po celem vyletu doplnil zbytek: Organizace naprosto zadna. Dovezli nas na parkoviste ke stadionu a pak pry, ze pojedeme metrem. Nakup jizdenek na metro zabral ve vestibulu dalsi hodinu. Pry ze do centra jezdit autobus nemuze, aby nas tam vyhodil, jizdenky na metro on-line jsou pry drahe a jen porad same vymluvy (mluvil jsem o tom s majitelem cestovky primo z oci do oci!), hlavne ze jine cestovky normalne sve klienty do centra vozi, nebo aspon koupi vsem jizdenky na metro predem... Zahajeni prohlidky presne pet minut pred trinactou odpoledni! Na kazdem z Vanocnich trhu necela hodina a pak uprkem na dalsi. Pan pruvodce (pry majitel) rekne, ze je sraz na nejakem miste a pak ceka 300m jinde! Bez jakekoli organizace, stale se ceka na lidi, co jdou na wc v dobe, kdy mel byt jiz sraz a presun na dalsi z mist. Zpet k autobusu se vyrazi po pate hodine, takze jiste si dovedete predstavit, jaky zazitek to cele bylo. Misto nacerpani predvanocni atmosfery jsme byli jen nastvani. Jako sladka tecka bylo celou cestu zpet zamlzene okno ridice s pruzorem 5x10 cm, ktere si nedokazal setrit, nic nevidel a na sjezdu z D1 v Ostrave nas malem preklopil, protoze asi dostal mikrospanek. Doslova jsme se s mamkou bali o sve zivoty. S touhle cestovkou jsme jeli poprve a naposledy! Rozhodne NEDOPORUCUJI! Na zaslany email s nasim rozhorcenim pan majitel DODNES nemel snahu odpovedet a aspon se pisemne omluvit - to je teda opravdu SUPER PRISTUP!
Total disaster! Mr. Nize has a way to see the truth - THE MAJITEL RESEES IN RESPONSE TO BANALITY WITH MESSAGE OR OTHER REVIEWS, HOW TO RETURN TO THE WINNER TO HELP! I would add the rest after the whole trip: Organization totally back. They brought us to the parking lot to the stadium and then we said we would go by subway. Shopping for the subway took another hour in the vestibule. From the center to the bus, it is not possible for us to throw it out, the trails on the metro online are pry and just the same excuse (I talked about it with the owner of the traveler right from eye to eye!), Mainly from other travelers normally to his clients to the center of the car, or at least to buy all the jizdenka on the metro in advance ... Beginning of the show exactly five minutes before the thirties afternoon! There was not an hour for every Vanocnich market, and then for another. The guide (the owner) tells us that there is a meeting on some point and then about 300m elsewhere! Without any organization, it is still waiting for the people who are going to the toilet at the time of the meeting and moving to another place. Getting back to the bus will take off in five o'clock, so you can really imagine how great it was. Instead of pre-war atmosphere, we were just getting started. Sweet tecka was back all the way back a foggy 5x10 cm railing window, which did not make the setri, did not see anything, and at the D1 exit in Ostrava, we were surprised by the mule because it probably got a micro-spoon. We literally battled my mom with my mom. We went for this first time and last time! Definitely I DO NOT THANK YOU! On sending an email with our exasperation Mr. DODNES did not try to answer and at the same time to apologize - so it is really SUPER PRISTUP!
Luky Hyso on Google

S touto CK jsem letos absolvoval 3 adventní výlety do Vídně,Krakowa a Wroclawi. Pro mě osobně to byli moc nádherné výlety a každý měl svůj osobní zážitek. Vídeň je krásné město samo o sobě. A ve vánoční atmosféře je nádherné. Cesta byla dobrá a rychlá. Byl to adventní výlet,takže člověk stihne projít akorát jen ty trhy. Super bylo zajištění dopravy metrem,lístky byli koupeny předem,ale odbavovací systém v metru Vás stejně trochu zbrzdí. K výletu do Krakowa velice doporučuji si připlatit průvodce. Byli jsme provedeni univerzitou,hradem,kapli a dalšími místy a pak návštěva trhů. Výklad k místům byl perfektní. Výlet do Wroclawi byl čistě jen návštěva trhů,což bylo pro mě dobré v tom,že jsme si mohli město projít podle sebe. Vřele tyto výlety doporučuji. Pro mě osobně jsem našel cestovku z kterou chci poznávat svět.
With this travel agency, I took 3 Advent trips to Vienna, Krakow and Wroclaw this year. For me personally, these were very wonderful trips and everyone had their own personal experience. Vienna is a beautiful city in itself. And in the Christmas atmosphere is wonderful. The journey was good and fast. It was an adventure trip, so you can only walk through the markets. It was great to arrange metro transport, tickets were purchased in advance, but the check-in system in the metro will still slow you a bit. For a trip to Krakow I highly recommend adding a guide. We were guided by university, castle, chapel and other places and then visit markets. The interpretation to the places was perfect. The trip to Wroclaw was just a visit to the markets, which was good for me because we could walk the city by ourselves. I highly recommend these trips. For me personally I found a traveler from which I want to explore the world.
Rybář Otakárek on Google

Vřele doporučuji, cestovka spolehlivá a zájezd taky OK. Konkrétně adventní zájezd do Vídně byl podle mých představ. Doufám že i v tomto roce bude vypraven, protože budu určitě jeden s cestujících. Chválím pevné nervy pana průvodce a jako řidič autobusu také kolegu který měl nastarosti naší přepravu. 2019 adventní trhy Wroclaw s touto CK naprosto parádní. Cesta tam a zpět super. Trhy taky paráda. Mohou zase jen a jen doporučit.
I highly recommend, reliable travel and trip too OK. In particular, the Advent trip to Vienna was, according to my wishes. I hope that this year will be dispatched because I will definitely be one of the passengers. I commend the firm nerves of Mr. Guide and as a bus driver also a colleague who was in charge of our transport. 2019 Advent markets Wroclaw with this TA absolutely great. Journey back and forth great. Markets great too. They can again and only recommend.

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