Company Experts s.r.o.

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Company Experts s.r.o.

Address :

Londýnská 338/9, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Londýnská 338/9, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Tereza Hartmanová on Google

Petra Škrobánková on Google

Jan Poříz on Google

I recommend!
Sepo Company on Google

Mnohaleté zkušenosti, perfektní komunikace a férové jednání. Doporučujeme !
Many years of experience, perfect communication and fair dealing. We recommend!
Veronika Petrová on Google

Děkuji za založení spolku ???. Thank you for established of association "Šťastná mysl Veroniky Petrové ???.
Thank you for founding the association ???. Thank you for the established of association "Happy Mind of Veronica Petrová ???.
Tomáš Klouček on Google

S panem Valáškem spolupracuji již druhým rokem a vždy dostál všem slibům, které dal. Jsem s jeho službami nadmíru spokojen a rozhodně doporučuji!
I have been cooperating with Mr Valášek for the second year in a row and have always honored all the promises he made. I am extremely satisfied with his services and definitely recommend!
Shark X on Google

Tato společnost a především její představitel pan Zdeněk Valášek je nesolidní rádo by podnikatel, který nemá ani ponětí co je to slušnost, etika a morálka. Už rok nám dluží přes 20.000,-Kč, když si nechal dopředu zaplatit za služby, které prokazatelně nedodal. Podle jeho vlastních slov nám dluh nemá z čeho vyplatit. To jasně hovoří o bonitě a finanční kondici této "firmy". V žádném případě se nám nejedná o jakoukoliv snahu někoho poškodit, pouze sdílíme naše neblahé zkušenosti s tímto neférovým člověkem. Vše můžeme doložit. Doporučujeme vyhnout se "firmě" Company Experts" a panu Zdeňkovi Valáškovi velkým obloukem! Team SPACEforDREAMS
This company, and especially its representative, Mr. Zdeněk Valášek, is a self-reliant entrepreneur who has no idea what is decency, ethics and morality. He already owes us over 20,000 CZK for a year, when he had paid in advance for services that he was not able to deliver. In his own words, the debt has nothing to pay us. This clearly speaks of the creditworthiness and financial condition of this "company". We are by no means anxious to harm anyone, we just share our bad experience with this unfair person. We can prove everything. We recommend avoiding "Company Experts" and Mr. Zdeněk Valášek in a big arc! Team SPACEforDREAMS
Syed ali on Google

The Gentleman Mr. Zdenec is a hard working and professional in nature. Our company was formed by him in 2016 and still active. He did many things for us out of the way and without any additional charges. The Documentation in Pakistan is very difficult but he did a exceptional job completing it and forming our company. He even forwarded us to other trust worth professionals for thing he could not do. I thank him for this services.

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