Czech National Symphony Orchestra

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Czech National Symphony Orchestra

Address :

Weilova 1144/2, 102 00 Praha 10-Hostivař, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Hostivař

Weilova 1144/2, 102 00 Praha 10-Hostivař, Czechia
Filip Kimel on Google

Toto jsou nahrávací studia a administrativa orchestru...
These are recording studios and orchestra administration ...
Fabio Venturi on Google

Ottima orchestra e buon studio di registrazione
Excellent orchestra and good recording studio
sadilkova professionals on Google

Nádherné provedení České mše vánoční
Wonderful design of Czech Christmas Mass
Radek Prugl on Google

Dobry prostor pro tvorbu profesionalnich nahravek, pro tento ucel vrele doporucuji...
Good space for creating professional recordings, for this purpose I highly recommend ...
Rob n Roll on Google

Bývalo tu kdysi kino , pak biliard ? chodili jsme tam velice často , jo před budovou jsme jezdili na tom krásným mramoru na sk8boardech . Teď je tam jeden z nejlepších symfonaku na světě . Jen dodám že tam nahrával Ennio Morricone a Quentin Tarantino soundtrack k osmi hroznejm . Což si myslím že je veliká pocta , a cítím hrdost k celému orchestru. (Nahrávala zde spousta významných lidí, od výš zmíněných , přes Brian May z Queenů a atd . Doporučuji navštívit webové stránky ☺
There used to be a cinema, then billiards - we went there very often, yeah in front of the building we rode on that beautiful marble on sk8boards. Now there is one of the best symphony in the world. I'll just add that Ennio Morricone and Quentin Tarantino recorded the soundtrack to eight terrible ones there. Which I think is a great honor, and I feel proud of the whole orchestra. (It was recorded by a lot of important people, from the ones mentioned above, through Brian May from Queens and etc. I recommend visiting the website ☺
Petr Dvořák on Google

Loop is great!
Igor Vasil on Google

Top recording studio...
Kurt Kim on Google

The orchestra who played most of my music

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