Czech Post Office

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Czech Post Office

Address :

M. Horákové 9999, Třebeš, 500 06 Hradec Králové, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 10AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : . Hradec Králové

M. Horákové 9999, Třebeš, 500 06 Hradec Králové, Czechia
Jiří Nikl on Google

I přes spousty celodenní práce i k večeru stále ochotný personál!
Despite a lot of all-day work and in the evening, still helpful staff!
Vaclav Pokorny on Google

vybavení za zenitem životnosti, ochotný personál, ovšem s chatrnými znalostmi, dlouhé čekací doby, dlouhá polední pauza, není otevřeno v sobotu
equipment beyond life zenith, helpful staff, but with poor knowledge, long waiting times, long lunch break, not open on Saturdays
Vladimír Vojta on Google

Malá pošta s milým a ochotným personálem. Díky poloze pobočky je zde odpoledne relativně málo lidí s firemní poštou.
Small post office with nice and helpful staff. Due to the location of the branch there are relatively few people with corporate mail in the afternoon.
Jirka on Google

Doruceni zasilek je opravdu velmi nespolehlive. Jednou mi doruci zasilku na topeni vestibulu, na verejne misto, bez jedineho upozorneni. Dozvedel jsem se to az nahodou, ze to nasel jeden kolega. Nastesti ji nikdo nevzal!!! Ale zase na jejich obranu, pri dorucovani by museli umet cist. Na balicku je napsane jmeno, firma i telefonni cislo!!!! To se opravdu prehlednout neda. Jednou mi balicek nedorucili a musel jsem si ho vyzvednout. Pritom od 7:00 do 16:00 ve firme nekdo vdzycky je (zpravidla i dele). Cedulku o tom, ze nikoho nezastihli mi ale dali (v dobe kdy tady byla cela firma!!!). Jednou mi balicek dorucili do cizi firmy (i kdyz tam nazev firmy jasne byl). Opet se ale ukazala poctivost lidi, kteri mi zavolali a balicek predali. Zaroven ale nedavam jeden bod, jelikoz je zrejme, ze na teto pobocce nedelaji jenom ignoranti. Jednou jsem poslal chybne zasilku bez nazvu firmy a z pobocky posty mi zavolali, ze tam mam chybu a ze nevedi kam to maji dorucit. To uznavam, ze to byla chyba na me strane a ze jde uz o nadprumerne chovani. Je teda hrozne jak strasne rozdilne to muze s kazdou zasilkou byt. Zaroven dalsich cca 15 zasilek dorazilo normalne k nam na firmu, bez jineho problemu.
Delivery of shipments is really very unreliable. Deliver me once a shipment for heating the vestibule, in a public place, without a single warning. I learned this and happened to be a colleague. Fortunately nobody took it !!! But again in their defense, in delivery would have to be able to clean. On the package is written name, company and phone number !!!! It really can not overlook. Once they didn't deliver the package and I had to pick it up. At the same time, from 7:00 to 16:00, someone is always in the company (usually longer). Sign that no one caught me but gave (at the time when there was a whole company !!!). Once they delivered me the package to a foreign company (even though the company name was clearly there). But again, the honesty showed to the people who called me and sold the package. At the same time I do not give one point, as it is obvious that I do not just ignore this branch. Once I sent the wrong shipment without the name of the company and from the post office called me that I have a mistake and that they do not know where to deliver it. I admit that it was a mistake on my part and that it is an above-average behavior. It is terrible how terribly different it can be with each consignment apartment. At the same time about 15 shipments arrived normally to our company, without any other problem.
Honza Brandejs on Google

Za lidský přístup, posťačky dělají co mají nařízeno (prodej), ale aspoň lidi co tam chodí pravidelně a znají je, tak nenutí. Dovedl bych si ve špičce představit o jednu překážku navíc, ale dá se to.
For the human approach, the messengers do what they have ordered (sale), but at least people who go there regularly and know them do not force them. I could imagine one more hurdle in peak hours, but I can.
Marek Petr on Google

Zatím jsem neměl s pobočkou problém. Zaměstnanci jsou velice milí a ochotní a člověk na poště nestráví mnoho času.
I haven't had a problem with the branch yet. The staff are very nice and helpful and one does not spend much time at the post office.
Kristýn on Google

Pošta by se měla zamyslet koho tam zaměstnává, naprosto neschopný a nepříjemný přístup. Samé damičky u kterých je vidět že je práce nebaví. Velmi neochotní a nemají tam pořádek. Volala jsem tam že jsem přestěhována a jak mám zařídit to aby mě chodila pošta jinam a oni mi řekli, že musím platit 200Kč měsíčně aby mě pošta chodila jinám. Přijde mi to směšný. Navíc mluvila tak pomalu a znuděně, že by člověk s toho usnul. Jsem ráda, že tuto poštu už nemusím využívat.
The post office should think about who it employs there, a completely incompetent and unpleasant approach. The ladies themselves, who can be seen not enjoying the work. Very reluctant and out of order. I called there that I had moved and how to arrange for the post office to go to me elsewhere and they told me that I had to pay CZK 200 a month for the post office to go to me elsewhere. I find it ridiculous. In addition, she spoke so slowly and bored that one would fall asleep. I'm glad I don't have to use this mail anymore.
Timea Pražáková on Google

Velice vstřícný persona, hlavně dnes (23.7.) paní na přepážce s checkpointem mi vše ochotně vysvětlila a poradila. Za což moc děkuji. Čekala jsem asi 4 minuty, což je naprosto v pořádku :)
A very helpful persona, especially today (July 23), the lady at the counter with a checkpoint willingly explained and advised me everything. Thank you very much for that. I waited for about 4 minutes, which is absolutely fine :)

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